Red White and Black and Blue - Stevenson Richard
Red White and Black and Blue - Stevenson Richard

Red White and Black and Blue - Stevenson Richard

Автор: Stevenson Richard
Название книги Red White and Black and Blue
Автор Stevenson Richard
Кол-во страниц 53

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In an election year, Don finds himself in the unlikely role of political operative. Rumors about the Tea Party's opportunistic gubernatorial candidate, Kenyon Louderbush, paint him as an unfaithful, callous exploiter of young men...young men that he puts into the hospital...or perhaps the morgue. Don smells truth in those rumors. But, he's confounded by a shadowy conspiracy, witnesses' fear and a grieving family appallingly willing to give up on justice for a brutalized son and brother. In RED WHITE AND BLACK AND BLUE, series creator Stevenson takes witty aim at the polarization, dissembling and double-dealing of American politics. It's a story that leaves even our hero, Don, tarnished and bruised.