Горечь войны. Новый взгляд на Первую мировую - Фергюсон Ниал. Страница 179
Ibid., p. 475.
Renzi, Great Britain, Russia, pp. 2f; Stone Europe Transformed, p. 327.
Ср. реакцию Times с реакцией Nation, Daily News и Guardian: Morris, Scaremongers, pp. 86, 256f; Weinroth, British Radicals, p. 665. Также см.: Bernstein, Liberalism and Liberal Politics, p. 186. Об американских нападках на Россию в 1911 году см.: Owen, G., Dollar Diplomacy in Default, pp. 255.
Monger, End of Isolation, p. 278.
Offer, First World War, pp. 223f, 226, 230, 291; Monger, End of Isolation, pp. 188f, 206ff; d’Ombrain, War Machinery, pp. 78ff; French, D., British Economic and Strategic Planning, pp. 22f.
PRO CAB 38/10/73, General Staff paper on Belgian neutrality during a Franco-German war, 29 Sept. 1905.
Monger, End of Isolation, p. 238. Встречи состоялись 16 (или 18) и 21 декабря. Кэмпбелл-Баннерман согласился сформировать кабинет 5 января. Грей согласился занять пост министра иностранных дел 10 января.
PRO CAB 38/11/4, Military conference on actions during war with Germany, 19 Dec. 1905; 1 June 1906. Ср.: d’Ombrain, War Machinery, pp. 83f; Monger, End of Isolation, pp. 240f.
Monger, End of Isolation, pp. 209f, 229. Курсив мой.
PRO CAB 38/11/4, Military conference on actions during war with Germany, 19 Dec. 1905. Ср.: Mackay, Fisher of Kilverstone, pp. 353ff; McDermott, Revolution in British Military Thinking, pp. 174f. Также см.: d’Ombrain, War Machinery, pp. 84f; Howard, Continental Commitment, pp. 32, 43.
PRO FO 800/100, Grey to Campbell-Bannerman, 9 Jan. 1906; PRO FO 800/49, Grey to Bertie, 15 Jan. 1906. Также см.: Grey, Twenty-Five Years, vol. I, pp. 78–83.
Monger, End of Isolation, pp. 248–251. Ср.: PRO FO 800/49, Grey to Cambon, 21 June 1906. Даже год спустя лишь два или три члена кабинета министров знали о переговорах. См.: d’Ombrain, War Machinery, p. 90.
Wilson, K., Policy of the Entente, pp. 88f; Monger, End of Isolation, p. 271. Он имел в виду, что такое обещание просто не придется выполнять, поскольку оно само по себе устрашает.
PRO FO 800/87, Grey to Tweedmouth, 16 Jan. 1906; Wilson, K., Policy of the Entente, p. 65.
Monger, End of Isolation, p. 282; d’Ombrain, War Machinery, p. 89.
PRO FO 800/92, Grey memorandum, 20 Feb. 1906. Ср.: Grey, Twenty-Five Years, vol. I, p. 114.
PRO CAB 38/11/4, Military conference: actions during war with Germany, 1 June 1906.
Hamilton, Great Britain and France, p. 331. Ср.: Wilson, K. Policy of the Entente, pp. 8f; Monger, End of Isolation, p. 271.
Подробности см.: d’Ombrain, War Machinery, pp. 75–96, 103–109; Monger, End of Isolation, pp. 238–252; Wilson, K., Policy of the Entente, pp. 63–67.
PRO FO 800/100, Grey to Asquith, 16 April 1911. “Я не знал, что они [военные эксперты] решили. Предполагалось, что у правительства развязаны руки, а военные должны знать, что им делать, если получат приказ”.
PRO CAB 16/5 XL/A/035374, CID paper E-3, 27 Nov. 1908; CID Sub-committee on the military needs of the Empire, 3 Dec. 1908; 2nd meeting, 17 Dec. 1908; CID paper E-8 (II), Admiralty memorandum, 4 Feb. 1909; CID paper E-11 (B), Note by the General Staff, 5 March 1909; 3rd meeting, 23 March 1909. Ср.: Howard, Continental Commitment, p. 46; d’Ombrain, War Machinery, pp. 93ff, 103; Mackay, Fisher of Kilverstone, pp. 405ff.
PRO CAB 38/19/50, Churchill memorandum on “the military aspect of the continental problem”, 1 Aug. 1911. В мемуарах Черчилль утверждал, что “военные” (а не он сам) “переоценили мощь французской армии”. См.: Churchill, W. S., World Crisis, vol. I, p. 59.
PRO CAB 38/19/47, General Staff memorandum on “the military aspect of the continental problem”, 15 Aug. 1911.
PRO CAB 2/2, CID, minutes of the 114th meeting, 23 August 1911. Ср.: Collier, Brasshat, pp. 117–121.
PRO CAB 38/19/48, Admiralty comments on “military aspect of the continental problem”, 21 Aug. 1911; PRO CAB 2/2, CID, minutes of the 114th meeting, 23 Aug. 1911.
Ibid. Ср.: Hankey, Supreme Command, vol. I, p. 81; Nicolson, Edwardian England, p. 149; d’Ombrain, War Machinery, p. 102; French, D., British Economic and Strategic Planning, pp. 32ff; Wilson, K. Policy of the Entente, p. 64.
Mackintosh, Committee of Imperial Defence, p. 499.
Hankey, Supreme Command, vol. I, p. 82; d’Ombrain, War Machinery, p. 108; Offer, First World War, p. 295.
Wilson, K., Policy of the Entente, p. 123.
Ibid., pp. 65–68; Hankey, Supreme Command, vol. I, p. 77; Offer, First World War, p. 296.
PRO CAB 2/3, CID meeting, 6 Dec. 1912. Ср.: Lloyd George War Memoirs, vol. I, pp. 30f.
Kossmann, Low Countries, p. 435. Ср.: Cammaerts, Keystone of Europe; Johannson, Small State; Thomas, Guarantee of Belgian Independence.
Курсив мой. Также см.: PRO FO 800/93, Mallet memorandum, 11 April 1909; PRO FO 800/94, Nicolson to Grey, 4 and 6 May 1912; PRO CAB 2/2, CID meeting, 4 July 1912; PRO FO 800/94, Nicolson to Asquith, Churchill and Grey, 24 July 1912; PRO FO 900/87, Churchill to Grey, 2 Aug. 1912; PRO CAB 41/33/71, Asquith to George V, 21 Nov. 1912; PRO FO 800/62, Grey to Goschen, 28 Oct. 1913. Ср.: Churchill, W. S., World Crisis, vol. I, pp. 112f; Wilson, K., Foreign Office, p. 411; Rowland, Last Liberal Governments, vol. II, pp. 246–250; Hamilton, Great Britain and France, pp. 331f; Steiner, Britain and the Origins of the First World War, p. 104.
PRO CAB 41/35/13, Asquith to George V, 14 May 1914; PRO FO 800/55, Bertie to Grey, 28 June 1914; Grey to Bertie, 30 June 1914. Ср.: Grey, Twenty-Five Years, vol. I, pp. 284, 291f.