Talking to Dragons - Wrede Patricia Collins. Страница 11


"Cassandra." Morwen nodded at a small gray cat that I hadn't noticed before. "She has much better manners than Quiz, but she tends to be overlooked.

Nobody overlooks Quiz."

I studied the cats. They both ignored me. I glanced back at Morwen.

"I don't think I've thanked you yet for-for fixing my arm." I wasn't really sure what else to call whatever she'd done.

"Yes, you have," Morwen said. "And if you insist on repeating yourself, you'd better wait until you take the bandages off tomorrow.

Time enough for thanks if it's healed properly. Not that I have any doubts, mind, but it's better to be sure."

"All right," I said. "Did you say Shiara was waiting for me?"

Morwen went over to the stove. "Yes, I did. She's out by the garden," she said over her shoulder. She reached up and lifted a large kettle down from a hook on the wall.

"Thank you," I said. I got up and opened the back door. There was a room on the other side, with a bed and a large bookshelf and, of course, a cat. I shut the door and tried again. This time I got the library. Morwen had more books than anyone I'd ever heard of. I shut the door and looked back at Morwen.

"How do I get out to the garden?" I asked.

"Through the door," Morwen said without turning. 'Just be firm.

Sometimes it's a little contrary with strangers, but that won't last long."

I turned back, wondering how to be firm with a door. I opened it again. Still the library. I closed it, wondering how long it would take me to get to the garden. I didn't really want to spend the rest of the afternoon opening and shutting Morwen's door, but what else could I do? I sighed and opened the door again.

This time it worked: The door opened onto three steps going down into the yard. I went through quickly, before the door could change its mind. Shiara was sitting on a stone bench by the corner of the house.

She looked a lot happier than she had earlier, but all she would say was that she'd been talking to Morwen.

"She's been showing me some things," Shiara said. "And she's going to give me a kitten."

"That's nice," I said. Actually, I wasn't sure it would be a good idea to have a pet with us while we wandered around the Enchanted Forest.

On the other hand, if it was one of Morwen's cats, it could probably take care of itself.

Shiara and I sat and talked for the rest of the afternoon. I discovered that somehow she and Morwen had decided that we would be spending the night here. Shiara was very pleased about it. Evidently Morwen had promised to show her some interesting magic. I wasn't sure we should stay, even though I liked Morwen. After all, neither of us had ever met her before. I had to admit, though, that it sounded a lot better than sleeping out in the open. We were still discussing it when one of the cats came to bring us in to dinner.


In Which Daystar Makes a Mistake

Dinner was a stew that smelled and tasted awfully good, though it didn't look like much. Morwen had made a large pot of the stuff. Half of it she put in a big pan and set on the floor for the cats, and the rest we ate. By the time we'd finished, we had decided to spend the night with Morwen and the cats.

I was a little worried, at first, about what to do with the Sword of the Sleeping King. I didn't want to leave it leaning up against Morwen's wall all night. Finally, I decided to keep it with me. It wasn't that I didn't trust Morwen, but Mother had given the sword to me and it was my responsibility.

Once that was settled, I started wondering where Shiara and I were going to sleep.

I shouldn't have worried. Morwen had several extra bedrooms behind her magic door, and she simply put each of us in one of them. By that time I was starting to wonder how many rooms she had in her house and where she kept them all when they weren't needed. That isn't the sort of question you ask people in the Enchanted Forest, though. So I didn't.

Besides, I was tired again. As soon as Morwen showed me to my room, I stuck the sword under the bed and went to sleep. I was pretty sure the sword would be safe there.

I was right, too. When I woke up in the morning, a cat was asleep on top of it.

After breakfast, Morwen took the bandages off my hand. The burns were gone and it felt fine, but she examined it carefully anyway. When she was finished with my hand, she helped me get my sword belt on. The sheath was dry, so I put the sword back in it. While I was doing that, Morwen produced a couple of bundles and a small black kitten with one white paw. She gave Shiara the kitten and one bundle and turned to me.

"This is for you," she said, handing me the other bundle. "It should make your travels a little easier. Now, come outside."

She opened the front door and went out onto the porch. I let Shiara leave next and started to follow her, but one of the cats darted in front of me and I nearly tripped. I had to grab for the door frame to keep my balance.

"Watch out!" Shiara said, then, "Daystar! What's the matter?"

I almost didn't hear her. I was staring down at my sword. My hand had brushed it when I'd tripped, and I'd felt the tingling again. Only this time there was even more of it. I reached over and took the hilt in my right hand. The rumbling tingle hadn't changed, but the buzzing tingle and the purring tingle were considerably stronger than they had been, and they'd been joined by a brisk vibration I hadn't felt before.

I concentrated on the new feeling, trying to figure out where it had come from, and found myself looking at Morwen.

I looked back at the sword. I hadn't let go, and my arm was still tingling. I tried to pick out one of the other vibrations. Suddenly I was feeling mostly the purring tingle and looking out into the woods.

I blinked and tried again. This time I got the buzz, and I was staring at Shiara.

Suddenly I understood.

"It's magic!" I said.

"Of course it's magic," Shiara said. "Honestly, Daystar-" "No, I mean that's what it does," I said. "The Sword of the Sleeping King finds magic!"

"Among other things," Morwen said in a satisfied voice.

"Finds magic?" Shiara said skeptically.

"That's what the tingling is," I said. I was completely sure of myself, though I didn't know why. "Different tingles mean different kinds of magic, and the tingles get stronger when the sword gets closer to the magic." I looked at Shiara. "No wonder it gave me such a jolt when we both touched it at the same time."

Shiara had been reaching for the hilt, but she pulled her hand back hastily. "If the sword finds magic, how come I couldn't feel anything until you touched it? And if the tingles are the way it finds things, why can't you feel them all the time?"

"I don't know," I said. The tingling was fading again, the same way it had when I held onto the sword before, so I let go of the hilt.

Morwen considered me through her glasses. I couldn't tell what she was thinking from her expression. Finally she nodded very slightly. "I see.

There is considerably more to you than I had expected, Daystar," she said in a thoughtful tone.

I was still trying to figure out what that statement meant when Morwen turned away and said briskly, "However, it is time for you to be going.

You see those two trees? Walk straight between them and keep on until you get to a stream, then follow the stream northward. You'll get to something eventually, and you should be able to figure out what to do from there."

My eyes turned in the direction Morwen was pointing. It was the same way I'd been looking when I'd been concentrating on the purring tingle from the sword. I looked back at Morwen.

"Exactly," Morwen said.

"What?" said Shiara.

"Let's go," I said. I was feeling a little unsettled by the whole thing, and I didn't want to talk about it anymore. Shiara scowled, but she didn't insist on an explanation.