Winnie the Pooh - Milne Alan Alexander. Страница 15

"Balloon?" said Eeyore. "You did say balloon? One of those big coloured things you blow up? Gaiety, song-and-dance, here we are and there we are?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid-I'm very sorry, Eeyore- but when I was running along to bring it you, I fell down."

"Dear, dear, how unlucky! You ran too fast, I expect. You didn't hurt yourself,

Little Piglet?"
"No, but I-I-oh, Eeyore, I burst the balloon!"

There was a very long silence.

"My balloon?" said Eeyore at last.
Piglet nodded.
"My birthday balloon?"

"Yes, Eeyore," said Piglet sniffing a little. "Here it is. With-with many happy returns of the day." And he gave Eeyore the small piece of damp rag.

"Is this it?" said Eeyore, a little surprised.

Piglet nodded.
"My present?"
Piglet nodded again.
"The balloon?"

"Thank you, Piglet," said Eeyore. "You don't mind my asking," he went on, "but what colour was this balloon when it-when it was a balloon?"


"I just wondered... Red," he murmured to himself. "My favourite colour...

How big was it?"
"About as big as me."

"I just wondered... About as big as Piglet," he said to himself sadly. "My favourite size. Well, well."

Piglet felt very miserable, and didn't know what to say. He was still opening his mouth to begin something, and then deciding that it wasn't any good saying that, when he heard a shout from the other side of the river, and there was


"Many happy returns of the day," called out Pooh, forgetting that he had said it


"Thank you, Pooh, I'm having them," said Eeyore gloomily.

"I've brought you a little present," said Pooh excitedly.

"I've had it," said Eeyore.

Pooh had now splashed across the stream to Eeyore, and Piglet was sitting a little way off, his head in his paws, snuffling to himself.

"It's a Useful Pot," said Pooh. "Here it is. And it's got 'A Very Happy Birthday with love from Pooh' written on it. That's what all that writing is. And it's

for putting things in. There!"

When Eeyore saw the pot, he became quite excited.

"Why!" he said. "I believe my Balloon will just go into that Pot!"

"Oh, no, Eeyore," said Pooh. "Balloons are much too big to go into Pots. What

you do with a balloon is, you hold the balloon "

"Not mine," said Eeyore proudly. "Look, Piglet!" And as Piglet looked sorrowfully round, Eeyore picked the balloon up with his teeth, and placed it carefully in the pot; picked it out and put it on the ground; and then picked it

up again and put it carefully back.

"So it does!" said Pooh. "It goes in!"
"So it does!" said Piglet. "And it comes out!"

"Doesn't it?" said Eeyore. "It goes in and out like anything."

"I'm very glad," said Pooh happily, "that I thought of giving you a Useful Pot

to put things in."

"I'm very glad," said Piglet happily, "that thought of giving you something to

put in a Useful Pot."

But Eeyore wasn't listening. He was taking the balloon out, and putting it back

again, as happy as could be...

"And didn't I give him anything?" asked Christopher Robin sadly.

"Of course you did," I said. "You gave him don't you remember-a little-a

little "
"I gave him a box of paints to paint things with."
"That was it."
"Why didn't I give it to him in the morning?"

"You were so busy getting his party ready for him. He had a cake with icing on the top, and three candles, and his name in pink sugar? and "

"Yes, I remember," said Christopher Robin?

Winnie-The-Pooh - Chapter 7


NOBODY seemed to know where they came from, but there they were in the Forest:

Kanga and Baby Roo. When Pooh asked Christopher Robin,

"How did they come here?" Christopher Robin said, "In the Usual Way, if you know what I mean, Pooh," and Pooh, who didn't, said "Oh!" Then he nodded his head twice and said, "In the Usual Way. Ah!" Then he went to call upon his friend

Piglet to see what he thought about it. And at Piglet's house he found Rabbit.