Великий Рузвельт - Мальков Виктор Леонидович. Страница 137
{25} LC. Joseph E. Davies Papers. Chronological File. Box 10. Memorandum enclosed in the letter to be given to President. April 18, 1939.
{26} Ibidem.
{27} См. Foreign Relations of the United States. 1939. Vol. 1. Wash., 1956. P. 23.
{28} LC. Joseph E. Davies Papers. Box 10. Davies to S. Early. September 11, 1939.
{29} LC. Breckenridge Long Papers. Box 5. Diaries. September 2, 1939.
{30} Roosevelt E. This I Remember. N.Y., 1949. P. 182, 183.
{31} Davies J.E. Mission to Moscow. P. 287.
{32} LC. Raymond Clapper Papers. Box 224. Clapper to Loy Henderson. May 5, 1939.
{33} LC. Harold L. Ickes Papers. Box 162. Raymond Robins to Ickes. June 18, 1939.
{34} Yale University Library. Henry L. Stimson Diaries. Reel 6. July 5, 1939.
{35} LC. Harold L. Ickes Papers. Box 162. Ickes to R. Robins. July 5, 1939.
{36} HI. Stanley K. Hornbeck Papers. Box 454. August 24, 1939.
{37} Ibid. Box 459. Situation in the Far East as Affected by Current Development in Europe.
{38} Севостьянов Г.Н. Европейский кризис и позиция США, 1938–1939. М., 1992.
{39} LC. Norman Davis Papers. Box 54. Pierrepont Moffat to Davis. August 18, 1939.
{40} Ibid. B. Long Papers. Box 5. «Diaries». September 2, 1939.
{41} LC. Raymond Clapper Papers. Box 49. Clapper to A. L. – L. October 17, 1941.
Глава VIII
{1} LC. Harold L. Ickes Papers. Box 162. Ickes to Raymond Robins. February 16, 1937.
{2} McElvaine R.S. Op. cit. P. 310.
{3} Ibid. P. 311.
{4} McJimsey G. Harry Hopkins. Ally of the Poor and Defender of Democracy. Cambr. (Mass.), 1987.
{5} Kennedy D.M. Freedom From Fear. The American People in Depression and War, 1929–1945. N.Y., 1999. P. 322.
{6} Principal Speeches. Address by Harry L. Hopkins. March 1, 1937.
{7} Ibid. Address of Harry L. Hopkins at National Conference of Social Workers. May 27, 1937.
{8} Charles S.F. Minister of Relief. Harry Hopkins and the Depression. Syracuse, 1963.
{9} Public Speeches. Address of Harry L. Hopkins at National Conference of Social Workers. May 27, 1937. Выступая в мае 1938 г. перед сенатским подкомитетом по ассигнованиям, Гопкинс вновь повторил, что правительство способно лишь снизить уровень безработицы, не более того (U.S. Congress. Senate. Work Relief and Public Works Appropriation Act of 1938. Hearings before the Committee on Appropriations. Wash., 1938. P. 152).
{10} Public Speeches. Address of Harry L. Hopkins at Babson Institute. June 12, 1937.
{11} Ibid.
{12} New Republic. February 26, 1936. P. 61–62; December 23, 1936. Р. 243.
{13} Public Speeches. Radio Address by Harry L. Hopkins («Dollars and Sense»). October 9, 1936. P. 4.
{14} Ibid. Address by Harry L. Hopkins before the United States Conference of Mayors. November 17, 1936.
{15} New Republic. February 10, 1937.
{16} Цит. по: Шервуд Р. Указ. соч. Т. 1. С. 192.
{17} Fenno R. F., Jr. The President’s Cabinet. N.Y., 1959. P. 125.
{18} Шервуд Р. Указ. соч. Т. 1. С. 194.
{19} LC. W. Borah Papers. Box 504. Raymond Robins to Borah. November 5, 1938.
{20} WHSL. Raymond Robins Papers. Box 28. H. Ickes to Robins. August 5, 1939.
{21} Ickes H. The Secret Diary of Harold Ickes. 3 vols. N.Y., 1953–1954. Vol. 2. P. 317.
{22} New Republic. May 13, 1940. P. 632.
{23} Farley F.A. Jim Farley’s Story. The Roosevelt Years. N.Y., 1948. P. 143.
{24} Tagwell R.G. In Search of Roosevelt. P. 262; Charles S.F. Op. cit. P. 212.
{25} Lash J.P. Op. cit. P. 794.
{26} Ibid. P. 795.
{27} FDRL. Papers of Harry L. Hopkins. Box 120. H.L. Hopkins Memorndum. May 28, 1939.
{28} LC. H. L. Ickes Papers. Box 90. Grace G. Tully to Ickes. July 17, 1950.
{29} Rosenman S.I. Working with Roosevelt. N.Y., 1952. P. 176–177.
{30} U. S. Political Parties. Vol. III. P. 1950.
{31} Lash LP. Op. cit. P. 803.
{32} FDRL. A. Williams Papers. Box 4. Williams to E. Roosevelt. November 11, 1939.
{33} Adams H.H. Harry Hopkins. A Biography. N.Y., 1977. P. 149.
{34} Baruch В.M. Baruch: The Public Years. N.Y., 1960. P. 299.
{35} Цит. по: США: политическая мысль и история / Отв. ред. H.H. Яковлев. М., 1976. С. 478.
{36} Dallek R. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy. P. 189.
{37} Adams H.H. Op. cit. P. 155.
{38} Цит. по: Donahoe В.F. Private Plans and Public Dangers. Notre Dame, 1965. P. 101.
{39} Ibid. P. 115, 126.
{40} FDRL. Papers of Harry L. Hopkins. Box 121. Hopkins to Nan Wood Honeyman. June 19, 1939.
{41} WSHSL. Raymond Robins Papers. Box 28. H. Ickes to Robins. August 5, 1939.
{42} LC. H. L. Ickes Papers. Box 162. Raymond Robins to Ickes. July 1939.
{43} FDRL. Papers of Harry L. Hopkins. Box 120. John Hertz to Franklin D. Roosevelt. June 11, 1940.
{44} Ibid. Franklin D. Roosevelt to John Hertz. June 25, 1940.
{45} FDRL. Papers of Harry L. Hopkins. Box 120. William 0.Douglas Memorandum to Franklin D. Roosevelt. July 2, 1940.
{46} См.: Яковлев H.H. Франклин Рузвельт – человек и политик. М., 1965. С. 347.
{47} Rosenman S.L Op. cit. P. 213–214.
{48} Josephson M. Op. cit. P. 504–506.
{49} У консервативных лидеров АФТ давно вызывали опасения многие аспекты внутренней политики администрации, особенно связанные с внедрением регулирования экономической жизни. Выступавший в роли признанного идеолога АФТ Джон Фрей писал в 1938 г.: «Это правда, что в группе образованных молодых энтузиастов, которые оказывают влияние на умонастроения президента, есть такие, которые симпатизируют коммунизму, а еще больше таких, которые исповедуют концепцию плановой экономики…» (LC. John P. Frey Papers. Frey to F.A. Robinett. January 13, 1938).
{50} McElvaine R.S. Op. cit. P. 319.
{51} Американский ежегодник. 1981. M., 1981. С. 266–267.
{52} Josephson M. Op. cit. Pr 488.
{53} FDRL. Papers of Harry L. Hopkins. Box 121. Emmet White to Hopkins. August 14, 1940; Hopkins to White. August 14, 1940.
{54} LC. F. Frankfurter Papers. Box 74. Frankfurter to Harold Laski. November 27, 1940.
Глава IX
{1} См.: История США в 4-х томах. Т. 3 / Отв. ред. Г.Н. Севостьянов. М., 1985. С. 317.
{2} Dallek R. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy. P. 199.
{3} Ibidem.
{4} Цит. по: Meacham J. Op. cit. P. 43.
{5} Dallek R. Franklin Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy. P. 202.
{6} Sherwood R.E. Roosevelt and Hopkins. An Intimate History. Vols. 2. N.Y., 1950. Vol. 1. P. 150.
{7} LC. Joseph E. Davies Papers. Box. 12. Memorandum. October 16. 1942.
{8} Sherwood R.E. Op. cit. Vol. 1. P. 164.
{9} Ibid. P. 167.
{10} Dallek R. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy. P. 207.
{11} Kimball W.F. The Most Unsordid Act. Lend-Lease, 1939–1941. Baltimore, 1969. P. 21.
{12} Sherwood R.E. Op. cit. Vol. 1. P. 167.
{13} Dallek R. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy. P. 205–206.
{14} История США. Т. 3. С. 319.
{15} Dallek R. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy. P. 214.
{16} Ibid. P. 216.
{17} Higham Ch. Trading with the Enemy: An Exposй of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933–1949. N.Y., 1983. P. 188, 189.
{18} Ibid. P. 191.
{19} LC. B. Long Papers. Box 5. Diaries. October 11, 1939.
{20} Dallek R. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy. P. 216; Rock W.R. Chamberlain and Roosevelt: British Foreign Policy and the United States, 1937–1940. Columbus, 1988. P. 262, 263.