Corrupt - Douglas Penelope. Страница 87

The dead? Did he mean…?

If Michael were dead, everything would revert back to Mr. Crist. And if Trevor no longer wanted me to get at what was mine, then, for him to get everything, I would also have to be…


I jerked at the ropes, trying to pull my wrists free. “Fuck you!” I cried out, feeling the burn of my tears fall across the spot on my cheek where he’d hit me. My wrists stung from the layer of skin I’d probably worn away, but I growled, thrashing and pulling at them harder and harder.

“Listen,” Trevor chirped. “Do you hear that?”

I didn’t stop, but I heard it. It was a high-pitched motor, and it was getting louder.


A speedboat.

I stilled. No.

“He’s coming,” Trevor said, excitement in his eyes.

And then he held up his wrist, checking his watch. “It’s eleven oh-eight, baby,” he announced and then leaned down, close to my face. “By eleven-thirty, you both will be on your way to the bottom of the ocean.”

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“FASTER!” I SHOUTED, the speedboat bouncing over the water as I spotted the yacht ahead.

The lights in the hull glowed purple on the black water, making the large white vessel look like a star out in the night.

“It’s at top speed,” Will threw back, his face twisted in worry. “Relax. He left that note for a reason. He wants us to find her.”

“That doesn’t mean he’s not hurting her,” I gritted out. “Hurry!”

Gusts of wind hit us as we raced over the water. Kai and I had to hold the dash and windshield to keep steady as the small, black speedboat gained on Pithom.

Fucking Trevor.

When I’d gotten to Rika’s apartment, she hadn’t answered the door, so I used my key and barged in, finding the whole damn place dark and empty with nothing but a note lying on the floor.

One word. Pithom.

I flew out of the apartment and called the harbormaster as I sped out of the city. He confirmed that Pithom was in Thunder Bay today and Trevor had, indeed, had a small crew take it out this afternoon. I then called Will and Kai, telling them to meet me at the docks, where Kai’s family kept a speedboat. My family’s speedboat was probably with Trevor—and Damon, who was no doubt in on this, too.

I love you, Michael.

My chest shook, and I ran my hand through my hair. “Rika,” I murmured to myself. “Please be alright.”

The yacht got bigger as we got closer, and Will slowed the engine, circling the craft all the way around to the stern where we slowed to a crawl. I immediately jumped out, while Kai secured a line.

I spotted my family’s red speedboat on the port side and turned to Will. “You stay here,” I told him. “Keep an eye on the speed boats and blare the fog horn if you see anything.”

I didn’t want Trevor or Damon trying to take off with her.

He nodded, reaching into the compartment near the steering wheel and pulling out the horn.

I looked at Kai, gesturing up. “Top deck,” I ordered. “And keep your eyes open. They know we’re coming.”

Kai took the stairs to my right while I walked across the deck, past the pool, and into the salon. I didn’t blink, forcing myself to go slowly even though every muscle in my body wanted to charge ahead, looking for her.

A Glock was tucked into my black pants, loaded with all ten rounds, but I kept it hidden under my T-shirt. Chances were they’d see me before I saw them, and I wanted the element of surprise.

I darted my glare to the white camera in the ceiling, the small ball rolling and zooming in.

He knew I was here and exactly where I was.

Treading lightly and keeping my eyes open, I crept across the room and into the dimly lit passageway. There were two cabins on the left and one on the right. She could be anywhere, and I hoped Kai, who was on deck above, had found her already.

I took a step to the left, grabbing the door handle, but a whimper stopped me in my tracks, and I listened.

A grunt followed, and I turned toward my parent’s cabin and threw open the door.

Rika laid on my parents’ bed, struggling with the ropes that were tied to her wrists. She jerked her head toward the door, noticing me, and sucked in a breath, her face cracking.

“Michael,” she cried softly. “No, you shouldn’t have come.”

I charged over and grabbed the rope, seeing the broken glass. “Goddammit, what did they do to you?”

Her hands were tied above her head, bleeding, and her hair was damp with sweat. Little pools of blood sat in the creases of her hands, and she held a shard of glass in her fist.

“I needed to cut the rope.” Her voice shook, and I noticed that the glass in the headboard was shattered. She’d broken it, trying to escape.

I took the shard out of her hand and sawed the remainder of the thread. “I’ll get you out of here. I’m so sorry, baby.”

A horn blared outside, and I shot my head up, my veins firing. “Son of a bitch.”

Something was wrong.

I severed the rope, tossing the shard on the bed, and pulled her up, the binding still wrapped around her wrists.

“Come here.” I took her hands and turned them palm up.

But she pulled them away. “I’m okay,” she insisted. “We have to get out of here. They wanted you to find me. They could be anywhere.”

My arms ached with the need to hold her, but I held back. We couldn’t waste time. Will needed us, and she was fine.

I turned around but held her wrist, keeping her close behind me as I walked through the door, looking left and right to make sure it was clear.

“Damon’s with Trevor,” she whispered.

“I figured.”

“He’s the one that took me from my apartment.”

I shook my head, trying to keep the anger at bay. Rika’s hands were shredded, because she was saving herself. Not waiting for me.

I’d always wanted that for her, hadn’t I? To fight for herself?

But all I felt was rage now. They’d taken her from me, and they could’ve taken her forever.

I may never have found her.

“Come on,” I urged, pulling her through the salon again, toward the sliding glass doors and the stern.

But as soon as we stepped on deck, I spotted Kai on the ground, and I straightened, bracing myself. He was breathing heavily with blood coming out of his nose and mouth. Damon stood over him, glaring at me, and I shot my eyes to the speedboat behind him.

It was empty. Where the fuck was Will?

I inched out into the still air, pushing Rika behind me. Shit.

Kai and Rika were hurt, Will was missing, and I had no idea how the hell was going to get us out of this.

Then I saw Trevor. He stood next to the side of the yacht, with amusement in his eyes as he stared at me.

He crooked a finger, urging us over.

Rika tried to inch around me, but I tightened my grip on her arm, keeping her there. Leveling my gaze on my brother, I stepped over to the side and peered over.

“Will.” I lost my breath.

He was in the water, his head barely staying above the surface. I spotted a line of rope coming out of the water near him and followed it as it trailed up the side of the boat, over the edge, and onto the deck. The end was tethered to two cinderblocks at Trevor’s feet, and there were also two more sets of blocks with ropes secured to them.


“He’s got my hands tied behind my back, man!” Will shouted.

Which meant he couldn’t untie the other end of the rope, most likely secured around one of his feet or both.

Will bounced in the water, trying to stay afloat with his legs, but he was struggling.

I lurched for Trevor.

But he pulled his hand out, holding up a pistol, and I stopped, glaring at him.