Atlas - Roberts Alyne. Страница 36



Her scent was everywhere. I could feel her sweat on my skin. What I couldn't feel was her body still pressed to mine. I opened my eyes and reached for her, feeling empty sheets. Sitting up, I quickly scanned the room to find it empty. The sun was starting to rise outside, letting in little light. I quickly dressed and went to find her.

I'd done something I had never done before with anyone. I gave her control. I gave her the choice and let her have her way. Watching her come apart above me was fascinating. It quickly made up for losing my control. The way her eyes came to life as she rode me to her own orgasm made it all worth it.

Sal and Tony had left us alone to dispose of the body and watch for my father's next move. I would need to return to the city soon. I came to the living room and found it empty. Same with the back deck. A cold feeling sunk into my bones and every muscle went tense.

"Stella?" I called out. Where the fuck was she?

I didn't tie her up because I didn't believe I needed to. I killed a man for her. I did it so she could have her justice and didn't need to pull the trigger herself. I could see the relief in her eyes. I saw the acceptance. She wouldn't run.

"Boss?" Tony asked as he and Sal came in the front door.

"Where is she?" I growled, searching the kitchen.

"Fuck," Sal swore as he headed toward her room.

"You didn't lock her up?" Tony asked me as we followed.

"I didn't need to," I told him, knowing he wouldn't understand.

This was the part of the plan where I was supposed to kill her. There was no way to take her to the city and I couldn't stay here much longer. Her part was done and she was no longer needed. By now, the rest of the family knew I was on to them and their dirty secrets. My father would be looking for me but I couldn't make myself end her.

We froze once we entered Stella's room. It was trashed. The closet doors were open and clothes were strewn across the room. The bed was a mess and the ropes were removed from the headboard. In the bathroom, the mirror was broken. Broken glass was all over the floor and I saw my furious face looking back at myself from a shard of mirror on the floor.

"Fuck!" I roared.

I punched my fist through the bathroom door. I didn't even feel the pain as I seethed. She left. She fucking ran after all. The one time I went against my plan, it backfired and left me in the worst position. I couldn't believe I was so fucking stupid.

"Find her," I seethed. "Now."

The boys left the room in a hurry. We would find her and I would stick to my plan. I was going to kill her. She would die for running. I would make her pay for making a fool of me. After everything, I thought she would stay willingly. I promised to keep her safe. Protection and safety were the things she craved and needed the most. I offered it to her and she threw it back in my face.

I tore through the house looking for her. My temper rose until I couldn't see straight. In the living room, I broke every bottle and piece of glass from the bar. I should have killed her. I regretted taking her to my bedroom last night. If I would have stuck to the plan, this wouldn't be happening.

She didn't deserve my gentle touches. I should have choked her while I fucked her roughly. Her body should be covered in my bite marks and bruises. Instead of putting a bullet between her eyes, I would have squeezed her throat while she gasped for air. As my anger boiled, I closed my eyes and imagined her death.

Her hands would have clawed at mine, eyes begging for release. I would have clenched harder and watched the life fade from her eyes. That light that I always searched out would dim and fizzle out. Darkness would take over just as it had for me. Her limp body would fall to the floor, naked and bruised. Used up with nothing left.

"She's nowhere on the property," Sal reported. “But I found this.”

I took the piece of paper from his hands. It was one word written neatly in the center. My blood boiled as the truth started to sink in. In parting, all she had to say to me was “Goodbye.”

I stomped to my office and pulled up the surveillance feed. A chill ran down my spine to find it all black.

"Lines were cut," I said, looking up at Sal.

His eyes went wide and I clenched my fists. Smart little bitch. I pushed past him and grabbed my keys from the lock box near the door.

"Where are you going?" he asked, chasing after me.

"To find her and kill her," I told him. "You find her, call me but don't hurt her. I want to give her every ounce of pain she deserves."

I left the house and ignored him calling after me. I lost control and my anger and bitterness were driving me. For the first time, I was without a real plan. I just knew one thing. I needed to find her.

My car raced down the open roads. It was very early in the morning so they were practically deserted. Without having any idea of when she had left, I didn't know how far she could have gotten. Had she been planning this all along? When she asked me to tie her up, making me believe she liked it, was she just playing me?

I was stupid and let sex cloud my mind. When I fucked her, I thought she wanted it. I actually thought she loved it as much as I did. She screamed for more and begged for it. Was it all a joke? I never thought she would be so conniving and deceitful. She deserved the slow and painful death I had planned for her.

My tires squealed when I pulled into her own neighborhood. I knew the streets well from my time stalking her. I drove to her house barely able to see past the anger and hate. Turning a sharp corner, I slammed on the brakes and stared ahead.

Red and blue lights flashed in the early morning light. People crowded around the scene in their robes and pajamas still, wanting to get a glimpse. Black smoke filled the air, looking like black ominous clouds. Stella's house was nothing more than a charred frame of what it once was.

Firetrucks and police swarmed the area, fighting to keep people clear as they fought the remaining flames. I parked the car and went closer to the house. The air was thick with smoke and ash. When I was close enough to feel the heat, I stopped. A police officer walked by and I grabbed his arm.

"Was there anyone inside?" I asked.

"The house was vacant, so we don't think so," he answered.

"Don't think so?" I glared at him and he shrunk back at the intensity of it.

"If there was, we won't know until the examiner goes through what's left. Everything, and anyone inside, is only charred remains now."

He pulled away and stomped off. Would Stella burn down her own home? I didn't think she would be dumb enough to go back there because she’d know I would find her here. Part of me hoped she came here knowing I would come for her. My phone rang and I pulled it out, walking away from the scene.

"Tony?" I said once it was to my ear. "You find her?"

"Not yet. We went to her friend's house. The one from the club."

"Liddy?" I asked.

"Yeah, but she's gone too," he said.

"She could be in class or something. Wait her out," I told him, getting back in my car.

"Doubt it," he said. "The place is a mess like she left in a hurry. She's gone and I don't think she will be coming back."