Reapers and Bastards: A Reapers MC Anthology - Wylde Joanna. Страница 23


By the time we finished, we reeked. Both of us.

I had a feeling it was worse than we realized, because I’m pretty sure at least half the nerves in my nose had committed suicide. Our clothes were outside in the plastic garbage bag, along with the paper towels and the sponges. I’d wanted to throw away the bowl, too, just on general principles, but Marie wouldn’t let me.

Apparently pregnancy can make women stubborn.

“I can’t believe I didn’t think of closing the windows,” Marie mumbled around a mouthful of toothpaste as I stepped out of the shower. She sat on the toilet, still wrapped in a towel from her own shower. Normally we’d clean up together, but tonight she was obviously exhausted, and I wasn’t sure I could handle a slippery, naked Marie without fucking her. Hell, I was so tired I’d probably drop her or something. Not that being exhausted had ever slowed me down before, but things had changed.

There were three of us now.

Right on cue, I felt that dumbass grin take over my face again.

“It’s not that bad, we can handle it,” I said, shrugging. She raised a brow.

“Go into the bedroom, and then tell me that again.”

I wrapped the towel around my waist and stepped out into the hallway, heading toward our room. As soon as I opened the door, I realized she was right—we’d fucked up. The windows had been open on all three sides when the skunk hit, and now the place was so thick with stench that you could practically see toxic green tendrils hanging in the air. The windows were still wide open, which I guess made sense at this point—the damage was done.

Fucking great.

Walking over to the dresser, I found a pair of briefs and pulled them on, followed by jeans and a shirt. Then I grabbed one of Marie’s pretty panty and bra sets (damn, but I loved those) and a sundress before heading back to the bathroom.

“Here you go,” I told her, setting them on the counter. Then I turned away, because the last thing she needed was me shoving my dick in her face. (And now I was thinking about my cock in her mouth . . . Fucking great—I officially had the worst timing on earth.) “I settled Ariel out in the barn for the night. We’re gonna go get a hotel room.”

“We don’t need to do that.”

She stood up, and I turned to find her dressed.

“You’re knocked up, you puked all day, and the house smells like a skunk died in it. We’re getting a hotel room.”

Marie walked over to me, then wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned her head against my chest.

“Are we really okay?” she asked, her voice a whisper.

I hugged her back, running one hand up and down her back.

“No, we aren’t okay,” I said softly. “We’re trapped in a skunk house full of toxic fumes. But once we get away from here, I think things will be perfect. And just think about what a great story we’ll have to tell the kiddo.”

Her hand slipped down to my ass, giving it a squeeze, and I groaned.

“Speaking of, you sure you don’t wanna celebrate the baby before we head out?”

Groaning, I caught her butt and pulled her into me, rubbing my dick against her stomach. God, I wanted to be inside her . . . Then it hit me—my kid was inside her, too. Right next to where I planned to shove my cock. I jerked away, because that was a mind fuck I wasn’t quite ready for. Shit. I’d have to find a way to wrap my brain around that.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, frowning. I shook my head, realizing this wasn’t a conversation we needed to have just yet.

“Nothing’s wrong,” I said quickly, staring down into her face. Her brown eyes were deep and her beautiful, curly brown hair was hanging around her face and across her shoulders. God, but I loved this woman. Right on cue, my dick made its needs known, and I realized that wrapping my head around things might not be so difficult after all . . . I just needed to let the right head do the thinking.

I grinned, leaning over to kiss the tip of Marie’s nose. Then I grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the stairs. The sooner we found a room, the sooner we could celebrate. “C’mon. Let’s get the hell out of here. I’ve had enough of being skunked.”

Marie’s Emergency Skunk Solution

NOTE: Don’t let the dog wait in the house while you mix up the solution. Seriously. Also, some people (Mr. Wylde among them) feel that cleaning up after a skunk goes a little more smoothly if you have a very strong drink available. Straws help, allowing for hands-free access.


Rubber gloves, preferably long ones

Paper towels (or tissues in a pinch)

Plastic garbage bags


1 quart hydrogen peroxide

? cup baking soda

1 tablespoon liquid dish soap


Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Put on gloves and use paper towels to blot as much skunk oil off the dog as possible, throwing them into the plastic bag as soon as you finish. Do your best not to allow the dog to brush against you or transfer the oils. Using a washcloth or sponge, gently rinse the hydrogen peroxide mixture through the dog’s fur two times, mixing up more as needed. (Avoid the dog’s eyes, and flush with water if the mix gets into the eyes.) Rinse the dog with water thoroughly. You will notice that he still smells like wet dog and a bit skunky, but it will be a huge improvement (when a skunk first sprays, the smell is so powerful that it burns your eyes and nose). Remove your clothing and dispose of gloves while still outside, if possible.

Allow dog to sleep in garage, enclosed porch, or bathroom (somewhere well ventilated and safe, but not part of the main section of your house). By morning, the dog will be dry and very little skunk scent will be noticeable.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a prequel short story about the first time Melanie and Painter met. Their book, Reaper’s Fall, will be published on Nov. 10, 2015. “Sugar and Spice” takes place one year before the beginning of Reaper’s Fall, against the background of action from Reaper’s Stand. I thought you might enjoy reading it.

Sugar and Spice


I fell for Levi “Painter” Brooks the first time I saw him, although in all fairness I did have a head injury at the time.

It was a weird start to a relationship, too.

You see, I blew up a house.

It wasn’t on purpose, and in my defense I’d had a really shitty day. My mom had taken off earlier in the week. Just up and left while I was at work on Monday, and she never came back. Neither me or my dad heard a thing from her, and while she’d always been sort of flaky, she’d never done anything like this before. By Wednesday night, I broke down and asked him if we should report her missing to the police.

He’d thrown his beer bottle at me, shouting about how “the whore” must’ve gotten herself a new man. She’d left me because I was nothing, just like she was nothing.

Then he’d told me to go buy him more beer. I decided to call Loni instead.

Not long afterward, I blew up her house.


London Armstrong was my best friend’s aunt. Jessica and I had been tight for years, and as my own mother drifted further and further from reality, they’d become my second family. She’d told me to head on over to her place and let myself in, that she’d see me later that night. I went over there and made myself some macaroni and cheese on her gas stove.