Defending Pacer - Hamilton T. J.. Страница 38

I get out of the bath and pull the plug to drain the water. Wrapping a towel around myself, I have to see if Chelsea’s all right. The last thing I wanted was to upset her like this.

Knocking on the door, I speak. “Chelsea. Can I come in?”

She doesn’t answer so I open the door anyway. I find her leaning against the basin, tears filling her eyes.

I rush to take her in my arms and look deep into her gaze. “Hey. I know it’s a lot for you to take in today. We’ll talk about this tomorrow.”

She looks up at me and a tear slides down her cheek. It breaks my heart to see her upset. I can be such an asshole sometimes.

Shaking her head, she answers. “It’s not that. You’re right. Everything I’ve ever thought to be right in my life has been turned upside-down since I met you. I question everything I’ve ever believed in. My family aren’t any better than yours. I saw that today. At least your family doesn’t hide behind some false idea about what they do.”

I catch the tears that stream down her cheeks with the back of my finger and just hold her. I want to take all her sadness away.

“We can set this all straight again. I can fix this and show the city about what’s been happening, right under its nose.” She pulls out of my arms and stares into my eyes as she speaks.

What is she talking about? Does she want me to go to prison?

“And how are you going to do that without putting me in the picture?” I don’t know where she’s going with this, and I don’t like it already.

“We can put you in it, but I know a way to do it so that it looks like you have been set-up. Which you have, so it’s not going to be difficult to expose Jackson.”

“Then what? Another Jackson Reed will be waiting to corrupt the system again. You can’t save everyone, Chelsea. This is just how it is. There’s always a war to fight, and always a war to fight for.”

I see a glimmer of a smile on her face again and her eyes light up. “Well, I can save you.”

She wants to save me? I don’t know how I feel about this. I’m one of the city’s most notorious gang members and she wants to save me? And after everything, she still wants to be in my life?

“So how do you suppose we do this then?”

“We need to get Jackson to confess.” Her eyes are full of hope as she talks.

I can’t help but laugh at her confidence. “Yeah sure, detective. I’ll just see if he’s up for that.”

“There’s a case I have. It’s due for trial in a month. Have your heard of Robert Simmons?” She pulls back. Walking to her bag, she grabs out her iPhone and scrolls through it.

“Yeah isn’t he the creep that attempted to kidnap that girl?”

She nods. “Well he has a long history of being picked up in areas where there are kids. I know he’s bad, but he’s got money so he’s got me representing him.”

“This is what I mean. The system is fucked.” I scratch my head, wondering how someone like Chelsea can even defend these fuckers.

“So why don’t you set up a meeting with Jackson, and mention this Robert Simmons. Jackson’s the leading prosecutor on the case.”

She is a clever little vixen. Her attitude about this is surprising. Does she love me enough to willingly risk everything to defend me?

There’s just a key piece of this set-up that she’s overlooked. “But what about the fact that Jackson still has the documents that will put me behind bars for good? He’s threatened that he has people waiting to release the documents as soon as I do anything.”

Her mouth moves as she considers the spanner that I’ve just thrown into the works.

“Then Jackson Reed will just have to go missing.”

I don’t know if I’m excited or worried about what she just said. I’m definitely speechless. Words gone. Mind gone.


Bacon and eggs—a food I have never considered to be sexy. But standing over Chelsea to drizzle maple syrup on her body, I look at the few strips of bacon left that cover her perfect pussy, and I have to say this is the sexiest-tasting bacon that I’ve ever had.

She giggles and squirms as I take my time to dribble the syrup over the curves of her body. I watch it run into her little slit, and lean down to lick it because it looks too good, and I can’t help myself.

I love that this was all her idea. I was just minding my own business and cooking her breakfast when I turned around to find her lying in the centre of the kitchen bench, naked, with the two eggs I’d just cooked over each breast. She is always turning it up a notch.

The eggs are gone, and I want to eat the remainder of the bacon so that I can just devour her sweet little pussy. She squirms again as the syrup slides down the parts of her body that tickle. I take a piece of bacon and run it up her pussy before putting it in my mouth and sucking her flavour off of it. I chew on a piece of it and head back down for more of her pussy.

She giggles. “Vagina bacon.”

“The best kind. Seriously, you taste so sweet I could wipe your pussy on toast every morning and eat it for breakfast.”

She bursts out in laughter. Her laugh is exactly what I needed on a morning like today. I wipe the thoughts of what kind of fucked up day I’m going to have, and continuing licking every inch of this delicious creature on my kitchen bench.


“He hasn’t been seen for a couple of days,” Franco replies.

Where could the fucker be?

“Big Jim heard the boys from Parramatta were after him too.”

Franco holds the door of Zio’s restaurant as I walk through. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were other deals that Reed had going on. I’ve had every connection on my payroll looking for the asshole, but he has just disappeared from the city. I look down at my ringing phone and know its Scott.

“What have you got?” I say into the phone.

“Nothing. He hasn’t travelled anywhere via an airport and his bank account hasn’t been used since Monday. The last movement I could track of his was going through a toll in his car on the Harbour Bridge, also on Monday.” The digitalised voice of Scott sounds through the phone.

I think back to when I saw Reed last. I think I saw him Monday too. Great! This is all I need right now. Just when Chelsea has a plan—and a fucking good plan—Jackson Reed has fallen off the face of the earth. In my game, this is never a good thing. Don’t tell me the slimy fucker upheld his end of the deal for once, and left town like I told him to?

“Thanks,” I finally reply to Scott and the line goes dead. “Franco,” I call out after him, “get Big Jim down here. I want to hear what he knows about the Parramatta boys’ dealings with Reed.”

“Is that you, Pacer?” Uncle Carlo calls out in Italian.


“You had better come look at the TV; your girlfriend’s about to hold a press conference,” he says in Italian.

She’s what? What the hell? She said she was going into the city to see someone, but I had no idea what she was doing.

Racing down to the kitchen, I see her on the screen, being a hard bitch in front of the cameras. I can tell she’s a little bit nervous. I’ve watched her enough to know how she reacts to things, and right now I know she would be. I can’t stop myself from grinning. What are you up to, honeybee?

“Ready?” She glances off-camera. “Today at eleven-forty-five this morning, the Nolan Royal Commission into corruption commenced. Police carried out the first arrest as part of the inquiry. This arrest has been a shock for all of my esteemed colleagues within the justice system. Jackson Reed, a promising QC, was taken into police custody following evidence that was delivered to police as part of the inquiry. My client, Paciano Fratelli, has been exonerated of all charges that were laid against him following the murder of Sean Collins. On what can only be described as a dark day for the city’s legal process, we can rest assured knowing we will put an end to what has become the rotting core of our city. Thank you, no questions.”