Collected Poems 1947-1997 - Ginsberg Allen. Страница 136

Ecologues of These States


Over Denver Again

Gray clouds blot sunglare, mountains float west, plane

softly roaring over Denver—Neal dead a year—clean suburb yards,

fit boardinghouse for the homosexual messenger’s

alleyway Lila a decade back before the Atombomb.

Denver without Neal, eh? Denver with orange sunsets

& giant airplanes winging silvery to San Francisco—

watchtowers thru red cold planet light, when the Earth Angel’s dead

the dead material planet’ll revolve robotlike

& insects hop back and forth between metallic cities.

February 13, 1969

Imaginary Universes

Under orders to shoot the spy, I discharged my pistol into his mouth.

He fell face down from the position life left his body kneeling blindfold.

No, I never did that. Imagined in airport snow, Albany plane discharging passengers.

Yes, the Mexican-faced boy, 19 in Marine cloth, seat next me

Descending Salt Lake, accompanied his brother’s body from Vietnam.

“The Gook was kneeling in front of me, crying & pleading. There were two; he had a card we dropped on them.”

The card granted immunity to those V.C. surrendering.

“On account of my best friend & my brother I killed both Gooks.”

That was true, yes.

                                             February 1969

Rising over night-blackened Detroit Streets

brilliant network-lights tentacle dim suburbs

Michigan waters canalled glitter thru city building blocks’

Throne-brain lamps strung downtown, green signals’

concentrate brightness blinking metal prayers & bright Hare Krishnas

telepathic to Heavenly darkness whence I stare down and adore O beautiful!

Mankind maker of such contemplate machine! Come gentle brainwaves

delicate-soft heart-throbs tender as belly butterflies,

light as Sexual charm-penumbras be, of radiant-eyed

boys & girls black-faced & blond that Born believe

Earth-death at hand, or Eden regenerate millennial Green

their destiny under your Human Police Will, O

Masters, fathers, mayors, Senators, Presidents, Bankers & workers

sweating & weeping ignorant on your own plastic-pain Maya planet…

February 15, 1969

To Poe: Over the Planet, Air Albany-Baltimore

Albany throned in snow! It’s winter, Poe,

upstate New York scythed

               into mental fields, flat arbors & hairy woods

               scattered in Pubic mounds twittering w/ birds—

Nobody foresaw these wormpaths asphalted

               uphill crost bridges to small church towns, chill

               hoarfields streaked with metal feces-dust.

Maelstrom roar of air-boats to Baltimore!

Farmland whirlpooled into mechanic apocalypse

               on Iron Tides!

… Wheels drop in Sunlight, over

               Vast building-hive roofs glittering,

New York’s ice agleam

               in a dying world.

                         Bump down to ground

                                             Hare Krishna Preserver!

Philadelphia smoking in Gold Sunlight, pink blue

               green Cyanide tanks sitting on hell’s floor,

Many chimneys smoldering, city flats virus-linked

               along Delaware bays under horizon-smog—

airplane drifting black vapor-filaments

               above Wilmington—The iron habitations

               endless from Manhattan to the Capital.

Poe! D’jya prophesy this Smogland, this Inferno,

Didja Dream Baltimore’d Be Seen From Heaven

by Man Poet’s eyes Astounded in the Fire Haze,

                                             carbon Gas aghast!

Poe! D’jya know yr prophecies’ red death

would pour thru Philly’s sky like Sulphurous Dreams?

Walled into Amontillado’s Basement! Man

                         kind led weeping drunk into the Bomb

                         Shelter by Mad Secretaries of Defense!

South! from the Bearded Sleeper’s Wink

at History, Hudson polluted & Susquehanna

               Brown under bridges laced with factory smoke—

Proving grounds by Chesapeake,

                         Ammunition & Artillery

                    Edgewood & Aberdeen

                         Chemical munitions factories

                                   hid isolate in wooded gardens—

Poe! Frankenstein! Shelley thy Prophecy,

What Demiurge assembles Matter-Factories

               to blast the Cacodemonic Planet-Mirror apart

Split atoms & Polarize Consciousness &

               let the eternal Void leak thru Pentagon

& cover White House with Eternal Vacuum-Dust!

Bethlehem’s miles of Christ-birth Man-apocalypse

               Mechano-movie Refinery along Atlantic,

Shit-brown haze worse & worse over Baltimore

               where Poe’s world came to end—Red smoke,

Black water, gray sulphur clouds over Sparrows Point

               Oceanside flowing with rust, scum tide

                         boiling shoreward—

Red white blue yachts on Baltimore harbor,

               the plane bounds down above gas tanks,