Collected Poems 1947-1997 - Ginsberg Allen. Страница 143

where bodies twitch arm from leg torn heart beat spasmed brainless in dynamite Napalm rubble Song-My to West 11th Street Manhattan

as war bomb-blast burns along neckbone-fused nations Hanoi to Chicago Tu-Do to Wall Street,

Dynamite metastasis heading toward earth-brain cankering human world forms—

Banks burn, boys die bullet-eyed, mothers scream realization the vast tonnage of napalm

rolling down Grand Concourse, Fragmentation nails bounced off Haiphong walls

rattling machine-gunned down Halstead, the Karma of State Violence

washing terror-waves round earth-globe back to suburb TV home night kitchens

The image 3 years ago, prophetic shriek of electric screen dots bursting thru bathroom walls,

tile & pipes exploded in NY as on Saigon’s Embassy Street

—“Northrop is favorite in hot bidding on a jet fighter for a fat market overseas”—Business Week March 7, 1970

Earth pollution identical with Mind pollution, consciousness Pollution identical with filthy sky,

dirty-thoughted Usury simultaneous with metal dust in water courses

murder of great & little fish same as self besmirchment short hair thought control,

mace-repression of gnostic street boys identical with DDT extinction of Bald Eagle—

Mothers’ milk poisoned as fathers’ thoughts, all greed-stained over the automobile-body designing table—

What can Poetry do, how flowers survive, how man see right mind multitude, hear his heart’s music, feel cockjoys, taste

ancient natural grain-bread and sweet vegetables, smell his own baby body’s tender neck skin

when 60% State Money goes to heaven on gas clouds burning off War Machine Smokestacks?

When Violence floods the State from above, flowery land razed for robot proliferation

metal rooted & asphalted down 6 feet below topsoil,

then when bombcarrying children graduate from Grammar-school’s sex-drenched gymnasia

terrified of Army Finance Meatbones, busted by cops for grassy hair,

Who can prophesy Peace, or vow Futurity for any but armed insects,

steeltip Antennaed metal soldiers porting white eggbombs where genitals were,

Blue-visor’d spray-bugs, gasmasked legions in red-brick Armory Nests—

(bearded spiders ranged under attick & roof with home-brew Arsenic mercury dung plastic readied for the Queen Bee’s Immolation

in Sacramento, Trenton, Phoenix, Miami?)

The State set off a plague of bullets bombs & burning words

two decades back, & seeded Asia with Mind-thoughts excreted in Washington bathrooms—

now the Great Fear’s rolled round the world & washes over Newspaper Gray air

rolling waved through cloud-smogbanks in Heaven

as the gas-burning TWA Jet house crashes thru sound barriers over Manhattan.

Chicago Chicago Chicago Trials, screams, tears, Mace, coalgas, Mafia highways—old Massacres in suburb garages!

Autos turn to water City Halls melt in Aeon-flood,

Police & revolutionaries pass as gas cloud by eagle wing.

“What’s your name?” asks badge-man as machines eat all Name & Form,

History’s faster than thought, poetry obsolete in tiny decades tho maybe slow tunes dance eternal—

war language comes, bombblasts last a minute, coalmines exhaust earth-heart,

Chicago suburb blocks stretch new-bared earthskin under sun eye,

autos speed myriad thru gray air to jet port.

Slaves of Plastic! Leather-shoe chino-pants prisoners! Haircut junkies! Dacron-sniffers!

Striped tie addicts! short hair monkeys on their backs! Whiskey freaks bombed out on 530 billion cigarettes a year—

twenty Billion dollar advertising Dealers! lipstick skin-poppers & syndicate

Garbage telex-Heads!

Star-striped scoundrelesque flag-dopers! Car-smog hookers Fiendish on superhighways!

Growth rate trippers hallucinating Everglade real estate! Steak swallowers zonked on Television!

Old ladies on Stockmarket habits—old Wall Street paper Money-pushers!

Central Intelligence cutting Meo opium fields! China Lobby copping poppies in Burma!

How long this Addict government support our oil-burner matter-habit

shooting gasoline electric speed before the blue light blast & eternal Police-roar Mankind’s utter bust?

Robot airfields soulless Market electronic intelligence business skyscraper streets

empty-soul’d, exploding.

Sheer matter crackling, disintegrating back to void,

Sunyatta & Brahma undisturbed, Maya-cities blow up like Chinese firecrackers,

Samsara tears itself apart—Dusk over Chicago, light-glitter along boulevards,

insect-eyed autos moving slow under blue streetlamps,

plane motor buzz in eardrum, city cloud roof filling with gray gas on up into clear heaven—planet horizon auroral twilight-streaked,

blue space above human truck-moil, Empty sky

Empty mind overhangs Chicago, the universe suspended entire overhanging


O Jack thou’st scaped true deluge.

Smart cock, to turn to shade, I drag hairy meat loss thru blood-red sky

down thru cloud-floor to Chicago, sunset fire obliterate in black gas.

                                             March 13, 1970

Anti-Vietnam War Peace Mobilization

White sunshine on sweating skulls

Washington’s Monument pyramided high granite clouds

over a soul mass, children screaming in their brains on quiet grass

(black man strapped hanging in blue denims from an earth cross)—

Soul brightness under blue sky

Assembled before White House filled with mustached Germans

& police buttons, army telephones, CIA Buzzers, FBI bugs

Secret Service walkie-talkies, Intercom squawkers to Narco

Fuzz & Florida Mafia Real Estate Speculators.

One hundred thousand bodies naked before an Iron Robot

Nixon’s brain Presidential cranium case spying thru binoculars

from the Paranoia Smog Factory’s East Wing.

May 9, 1970


In a thousand years, if there’s History

America’ll be remembered as a nasty little Country

full of Pricks, thorny hothouse rose

Cultivated by the Yellow Gardeners.

“Chairman Mao” for all his politics, head of a Billion

                                        folk, important old & huge

                              Nixon a dude, specialized on his industrial

                                        Island, a clean paranoiac Mechanic—

Earth rolling round, epics on archaic tongues

                                        fishermen telling island tales—

all autos rusted away,

                                        trees everywhere.

Rough Wind roar, mapletop mass

                         shaking in window,

                                             a panic Cry from the garden

                         Bessie Cow’s loose near the Corn!