Collected Poems 1947-1997 - Ginsberg Allen. Страница 151

     myriad greenstar’d


     cradling white-walled



     pole trunk


     out of old

     landslide head

     Covered with iceplant

     green lobsterclaw

          trefoil solid


     pinked with


          Sea vine blossoms

Dry brown kelp

     ribs washed

     in a heap at

     streamside in

          wet brown sand

          to listen to


          and wait the

          slow moon


Stream water

     rushing flat through


     Sand precipices,

tiny wet arizonas

flood lips


cradling the last

     graysmooth boulders

     shat by the rains

pissed out

     by spring storm


the forests



     Small granite



     washed to last rest

Ocean wavelet’s

               salt tongue


               forward thru

                    sand throated


                    to lave foam &

               pull back bubbles

               from the iron

          Car’s rusty

               under carriage

                    kelp pipes

                         & brown chassis,

                    one rubber wheel

                         black poked from

                              Sand mattresses

                                   rock wash

O Kerouac

          thy broken

          car Behold

     Digested in



     giant soulless


               sea gizzard filled

                    with unthinking

               marble rocks—

     Poured down

          road in


     to the granite

          snout of the


O see the great

          Snake kelp’s

     beet green head still lettuce-


          stretch forth

               a fingerthick tailroot

above seaweed broider


          rushing foam


Was that kelp


Einstein hairleafed

          faceless bulbhead

Oh father


     The seal’s

          head lifted

     above the wave,

     eyes watching

          from black


     in waterfroth


     Come back again!

Huge white

waves rolling

in gray mist

birds flocking

     rocks foamed

     floating above










     silver hair ear to ear

May 28, 1971

Hum Bom!


Whom bomb?

We bomb them!

Whom bomb?

We bomb them!

Whom bomb?

We bomb them!

Whom bomb?

We bomb them!

Whom bomb?