Collected Poems 1947-1997 - Ginsberg Allen. Страница 161

nose to nose, quiet questions

ever slept with a man before?

hand stroking your back slowly down to the cheeks’ moist hair soft asshole

eyes to eyes blur, a tear strained from seeing—

Come on boy, fingers thru my hair

Pull my beard, kiss my eyelids, tongue my ear, lips light on my forehead

—met you in the street you carried my package—

Put your hand down to my legs,

touch if it’s there, the prick shaft delicate

hot in your rounded palm, soft thumb on cockhead—

Come on come on kiss me full lipped, wet tongue, eyes open—

animal in the zoo looking out of skull cage—you

smile, I’m here so are you, hand tracing your abdomen

from nipple down rib cage smooth skinn’d past belly veins, along muscle to your silk-shiny groin

across the long prick down your right thigh

up the smooth road muscle wall to titty again—

Come on go down on me your throat

swallowing my shaft to the base tongue

cock solid suck—

I’ll do the same your stiff prick’s soft skin, lick your ass—

Come on Come on, open up, legs apart here this pillow

under your buttock

Come on take it here’s vaseline the hard on here’s

your old ass lying easy up in the air—here’s

a hot prick at yr soft mouthed asshole—just relax and let it in—

Yeah just relax hey Carlos lemme in, I love you, yeah how come

you came here anyway except this kiss arms round my neck mouth open your

     two eyes looking up, this hard slow thrust this

               softness this relaxed sweet sigh.

New York, January 3, 1974

Jaweh and Allah Battle

     Jaweh with Atom Bomb

          Allah cuts throat of Infidels

Jaweh’s armies beat down neighboring tribes

Will Red Sea waters close & drown th’armies of Allah?

Israel’s tribes worshipping the Golden Calf

                    Moses broke the Tablets of Law.

Zalmon Schacter Lubovitcher Rebbe what you say

          Stone Commandments broken on the ground

     Sufi Sam whaddya say

          Shall Prophet’s companions dance circled

     round Synagogue while Jews doven bearded electric?

Both Gods Terrible! Awful Jaweh Allah!

                    Both hook-nosed gods, circumcised.

Jaweh Allah which unreal?

                         Which stronger Illusion?

                              Which stronger Army?

                    Which gives most frightening command?

     What God maintain egohood in Eden? Which be Nameless?

                         Which enter Abyss of Light?

Worlds of Gods, jealous Warriors, Humans, Animals & Flowers,

               Hungry Ghosts, even Hell Beings all die,

          Snake cock and pig eat each other’s tails & perish

     All Jews all Moslems’ll die All Israelis all Arabs

     Cairo’s angry millions Jerusalem’s multitudes

          suffer Death’s dream Armies in battle!

Yea let Tribes wander to tin camps at cold Europe’s walls?

Yea let the Million sit in desert shantytowns with tin cups?

I’m a Jew cries Allah! Buddha circumcised!

                    Snake sneaking an apple to Eden—

               Alien, Wanderer, Caller of the Great Call!

What Prophet born on this ground

                    bound me Eternal to Palestine

          circled by Armies tanks, droning bomber motors,

                         radar electric computers?

What Mind directed Stern Gang Irgun Al Fatah

                              Black September?

     Meyer Lansky? Nixon Shah? Gangster? Premier? King?

                                        one-eyed General Dayan?

          Golda Meir & Kissinger bound me with Arms?





                              GOD SENT ME HERE!

          Buchenwald sent me here! Vietnam sent me here!

               Mylai sent me here!

                              Lidice sent me here!

     My mother sent me here!

               I WAS BORN HERE IN ISRAEL, Arab

          circumcised, my father had a coffee shop in Jerusalem

One day the Soldiers came & told me to walk down road my hands up

               walk away leave my house business forever!

                    The Israelis sent me here!

     Solomon’s Temple the Pyramids & Sphinx sent me here!

                         JAWEH AND ALLAH SENT ME HERE!

Abraham will take me to his bosom!

          Mohammed will guide me to Paradise!

                         Christ sent me here to be crucified!

     Buddha will wipe us out and destroy the world.

The New York Times and Cairo Editorialist Heykal sent me here!