Collected Poems 1947-1997 - Ginsberg Allen. Страница 213

Heykal, 623

Hitler, Adolf, 192, 193, 221, 226, 229, 233, 234, 281, 289, 318, 623, 727, 749

Ho Chi Minh, 385, 406, 451

Hoffman, Abbie, 613

Hoffman, John, 269

Hohnsbean, John, 106

Holiday, Billie, 467

Holland, John P., 305, see n.

Holmes, John Clellon, 541, 542, see n.

Homer, 385

Honey (Litzky), Aunt, 192

Honig, Harry, 269

Hoover, J. Edgar, 176, 287, 288, 422, 543, 559, 564, 643

Hope, Bob, 284, 665

Horace, 106

Ho-Tei, 484

Howard, John, 528

Howard, Leslie, 393

H. P. (pseud.), 149

Hubert (Leslie, “Hube the Cube”), 341

Humphrey, Hubert, 408, 593

Huncke, Herbert E., 132, 142, 157, 184, 447, see n.

Huntley, Chet, 392

Iao, 710

Ialdabaoth, 710

Ike, see Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Indra, 602, see n.

Iris (Brodey), 269

Iroquois (pseud.), 185

Isaac, Dr., see Louria, Dr. Leon

Isaiah, 485

Jack, 558

Jack, see Kerouac, Jack

Jack (pseud.), 657

Jackson, George, 605

Jackson, Jumping Joe, 382

Jackson, Natalie, 269, 342

Jacquet, Illinois, 496

Jacob, Max, 189, 190

Jaime, 341

Jaweh, 415, 622, 623, 624

J.C. (Jesus Christ), 528

Jean-Paul, Pope, 717

J. Edgar, see Hoover, J. Edgar

J. E. Hoover, see Hoover, J. Edgar

Jehova, see Jehovah

Jehovah, 139, 710

Jenny (pseud.), 540

Jimmy (Gutierrez), 537

Joan, see Burroughs, Joan

Job, 475

Joe, 161

Joey, see Kerouac

John, Pope, 324

Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 385, 391, 406, 408, 422, 451, 452, 459, 471, 492, 498, 637

Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 447

Jones, Elvin, 577

Jones, Leroi, 318, 341, 499, 507, see n.

Jordan (Belson), 341

Jordan, Louis, 496

Jose (anon.), 342

Joseph, Chief, 377, 797

Joseph K., see Kafka, Franz Joseph

Jove, 611

J. P. (anon.), 543

Jude, 78

Judy, 341

Julius, see Orlovsky, Julius

Jupiter, 602, 611

Justin, 341

Kabir, 361, 528, 561, see n.

Kafka, Franz Joseph, 361

Kali, 298, 475, 527

Kali Ma, 303, 354, see n.

Kali Pada Guha Roy, 414, see n.

Kalki, 357, see n.

Kandinsky, Professor, 183

Kangaroo, Captain, 411

Karloff, Boris, 697

Karmapa, Gyalwa, 478, 602, 631, see n.

Keaton, Buster, 352, 353, 437

Keats, John, 211, 261

Keck, William, 106

Kenji Myazawa, 627, see n.

Kennedy, John F., 341, 347, 479, 492, 605, 643, 722, 728, 752

Kennedy, Robert, 416, 451, see n.

Kenney, 132, 423, see n.

Kenyatta, Jomo, 326

Kerouac, Jack, 13, 32, 33, 131, 132, 142, 146, 147, 157, 164, 182, 199, 251, 269, 275, 285, 305, 318, 322, 343, 353, 360, 433, 458, 459, 497, 499, 518, 539, 540, 541, 542, 545, 548, 553, 560, 573, 607, 625, 697, 699

Kesey, Ken, 382, 420, 496

Khaki Baba, 414, see n.

Khrushchev, Nikita, 277, 299, 385, 754

Kierkegaard, Soren, 402

King, Bill, 157, 186

King, Martin Luther, 436, 546, 605, 722

King, M. L., see King, Martin Luther

Kingsland, 106

Kinks, The, 390

Kissinger, Henry, 623, 638, 639, 644, 699, 736

Kline, Franz, 465, see n.

Koch, Edward, 665

Koch, Kenneth, 739

Kosygin, Alexi, 385, 492

Krishna, 320, 362, 415, 475, 521, 522, 528, 536, 559, 600, 602

Krishnamurti, 605

Kuan Yin, 475, see n.

Ky, General Nyugen, 451

Lafcadio, see Orlovsky, Lafcadio

Lama Anikgarika Govinda, 600

Lamantia, Philip, 324

Lance, 341

Lansky, Meyer, 623, see n.

Lao-Tze, 176, 475

Larry, see Ferlinghetti, Lawrence

LaSalle, Governor Melvin, 498

Laurel and Hardy, 385

LaVigne, Robert, 342

Leary, Timothy, 275, 319, 507, 552, 553, 558, 559, 560, 562, 600, 613, 633, see n.

Leegant, Edie, 228, 229, 230

Lennon, John, 373, 422, 754

Leroi, see Jones, Leroi

Leroi (pseud.), 185

Levinsky, 27, see n.

Levy, D. A., 437

Lewis, Fulton, 286

Lewis, Sam, 447, see n.

Lewis and Clark, 377

Liang Kai, 10

Liliuo Kalani, Queen, 697

Lilly, Eli, 420

Lincoln, Abraham, 192, 195, 704

Lindbergh, Charles, 697

Lindsay, Vachel, 176, 177, 191, 405

Lippmann, Walter, 447, see n.

Little, Frank H., 158, see n.

Lizzie (anon.), 186

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 387

Lombardo, Guy, 722

Lorca, see Garcia Lorca

Lou, see Ginsberg, Louis

Louis, see Ginsberg, Louis

Louria, Dr. Leon, 226, 447, see n.

Lowell, Robert, 275, 280

Loy, Myrna, 280, 385

Lubovitcher Rebbe, 385, 622

Luciano, Lucky, 643, 747, see n.

Lucien (Carr), 142

Lucille, 341

Lumumba, Patrice, 299

MacArthur, Douglas, 697

MacDonald, Jeanette, 280, 318, 445

MacNamara, Robert S., 385, 406, see n.

Maheu, Robert, 728, see n.

Mahler, Dr., 669

Maitreya, 357, 600, see n.

Mansfield, Jayne, 605

Mansfield, Mike, 384, 476

Manson, Charles, 563

Mao-Mao, see Mao Tze Tung

Mao Tze Tung, 324, 385, 475, 484, 486, 528, 550

Maretta (Greer), 537

Marko, 341

Marpa, 602, see n.

Martinelli, Sheri, 458

Marx, Chico, 152

Marx, Groucho, 697

Marx, Harpo, 211, 385

Marx, Karl, 154

Mary, 297, 475, 539, 697

Mary (pseud.), 69

Max, see Frohman, Max

Max (Levy), Uncle, 154, 228, 390

Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 175, 176, 180, 190, 472, 745, see n.

McCarthy, Eugene, 594

McCarthy, Joe, 269

McCartney, Paul, 373, 422

McClure, Michael, 396, 414, see n.

McFate, Judge Yale, 273, see n.

McGovern, George, 590, 594

McGuire, Barry, 398

McLuhan, Marshall, 526

McNeil, Don, 499

Meany, George, 593

Meeropol, Michael and Robert, 665

Meir, Golda, 623

Melville, Herman, 402

Meltzer, Harry, 193, 664

Meyer, Cord, 597, see n.

Michaelson, Dr., 399

Mickey Mouse, 199, 697

Mila, see Mila-Repa

Mila-Repa, 378, 602, see n.

Miller, Henry, 285, 353

Miller, Pat, 543

Milton, John, 172, 610

Minerva, 194, 475

Mira Bai, 528

Mohammed, 171, 623

Moloch, 139, 140, 610, see n.

Monet, Claude, 642, 745

Monk, Thelonius, 298

Mooney, Tom, 155, see n.

Moore, Brian, 617

Moore, Henry, 500

Moreland, Dusty, 106, 429

Morgan, J. P., 354

Morgan, M.D., Rex, 485

Morphy (pseud.), 157, 184, 423, see n.

Morse, Wayne, 410, see n.

Mosca, 224

Moses, 622, 697

Mossadegh, 753

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 280

Murchison, Clint, 273, 397, see n.

Mussolini, 223, 229, 698

Myron, 605

Naomi, see Ginsberg, Naomi

Napoleon, 697, 748, 749

Nasser, 623

Natalie, see Jackson, Natalie

Nation, Carry, 418, see n.

Nazimova, Alla, 697

N.C., see Cassady, Neal

Neal, see Cassady, Neal

Nearing, Scott, 155, see n.

Nemmie (Frost), 341

Neruda, Pablo, 704

Nick, 564

Nirmanakaya, 600

Nityananda, 561, see n.

Nixon, Richard M., 527, 537, 549, 550, 558, 559, 590, 594, 599, 614, 623, 637, 644

Norman, Dorothy, 276

Norris, Frank, 493

O’Hara, Frank, 209, 465

Olson, Charles, 323, 560

Orlovsky, Lafcadio, 278, 280, 356, see n.

Orlovsky, Julius, 345, 394, 458, 478, see n.

Orlovsky, Peter, 142, 153, 188, 232, 253, 260, 282, 301, 305, 312, 342, 380, 383, 386, 399, 448, 457, 461, 464, 465, 466, 480, 495, 496, 518, 535, 537, 541, 559, 600, 611, 614, 665, 699, 718

Orwell, George, 605