Collected Poems 1947-1997 - Ginsberg Allen. Страница 220

outta your nose

as far as it goes

but don’t hang on

in old Saigon

when thought forms rise

it’s a big surprise

Do the meditation          Do the meditation

Learn a little Patience and Generosity

Generosity     Generosity     Generosity & Generosity

All you got to do

you’re sitting meditating

when thoughts catch up

forget what you thought

Laurel Hardy Uncle Don

you don’t have to drop

If you see a vision come

play it dumb

if you want a holocaust

it just went past

is to imitate

and you’re never too late

but your breath goes on

about Uncle Don

Charlie Chaplin Uncle Don

your nuclear bomb

say Hello Goodbye

with an empty eye

you can recall your mind

with the Western wind

Do the meditation          Do the meditation

Learn a little Patience          & Generosity

If you see Apocalypse

or a flying saucer

If you feel a little bliss

give your wife a kiss

If you can’t think straight

it’s never too late

Do the meditation

so your body & mind

in a long red car

sit where you are

don’t worry about that

when your tire goes flat

& you don’t know who to call

to do nothing at all

follow your breath

get together for a rest

Do the meditation          Do the meditation

Learn a little Patience          and Generosity

If you sit for an hour

you can tell the Superpower

you can tell the Superpower

& to stop & meditate

or a minute every day

to sit the same way

to watch and wait

’cause it’s never too late

Do the meditation          Do the meditation

Get yourself together          lots of Energy

& Generosity Generosity Generosity & Generosity!

St. Mark’s Place, Xmas 1981


Collected Poems 1947-1997  - _59.jpg

Copyright © 1986 by May King Poetry Music Inc., Allen Ginsberg

The Little Fish Devours the Big Fish

When the troops

get their poop

at Fort Bragg

how to frag


Leftist Nicas

or go bomb



Make a tomb

for men & boys

ending joys

of villages

and pillage

or burn down

to the ground

little huts

where pigs rut

This costs much

tax money as such

for an error

of red terror


is the key

to self defeating


Genia Yevtushenko

Ernesto Cardenal

Allen Ginsberg



& reliable

& poetical

& prophetical

Therefore urge


& Havana men

to relax

& reflect

that the ax

on the neck

of Nicaragua’s

a big error

of war fever

Double bind

makes us blind

to self fulfilling


If you’re willing,

lose your eye

& your ear

mad with fear


is the key

to self fulfilling


You can bet

Marxist threat

starts with that

self fulfilling


if you’re willing

to admit

that the threat

of invasion

of a nation

might cause them

great alarm,

Make them arm

to resist,


to insist