The Utopia Affair - McDaniel David. Страница 33

"I believe so, sir."

"Very well then. A wise man never makes the same mistake twice."

Illya ejected the cork with a sound like a pistol shot, and the little projectile bounced from the wall map and spun on the floor.

Channel D signaled just as he began to pour, and two hands reached simultaneously to answer it.

Mr. Solo looked at Mr. Waverly for a second, as both stopped a foot from the key. Then Napoleon drew his hand back and bowed slightly from the waist.

He picked up the first filled glass of champagne and extended it to his chief. "Welcome home, sir," he said.

"Thank you," said Waverly. "It's a pleasure to be back."

He touched the key and spoke.

"Waverly here."

The vacation was over.

? See #11, The Invisibility Affair.