The Eagle In the Sand - Scarrow Simon. Страница 83

'I bet. Now that he knows that we're on to his game you can be sure he won't miss a chance to get rid of us. We're going to have to be careful out there, Cato.'

'Very careful. In the meantime there's work to be done. The cohort fought well enough, but they're not ready for a campaign season just yet.'

'No rest for us, then,' Macro grumbled as he poured two cups of wine and passed one to Cato.'And we've got to write a report for Narcissus at some point.'

'I can handle that, if you like.'

'What should we tell him? That threat to the Empire. Was it Longinus, or Bannus? Either way, we've put a stop to it. Now we've just got Parthia to deal with. Shit, I could do with a nice long rest.'

'Look on the bright side, sir.'

'Bright side? What bright side?'

'At last you're going to see Syria. That's what you've always wanted, as long as I've known you.'

'Syria…' Macro mused contentedly and drained his cup. 'There is that.'