A Different Kind of Freedom - Kreisel Ray. Страница 33
bicycle tire pump – mini Zefal Mt. Bike pump
extra bicycle tire – acquired in Lhasa
small piece of inner tube tire rubber
bicycle tube patch kit (2)
extra spokes for back wheel and front wheel
hacksaw blade – 3 inch piece for cutting bolts and other pieces of metal
climbing webbing – 2 pieces 10 feet [3 meters] long to tie all of the items on the rear rack of the bike
bicycle brakes – extra set for front and back
ball bearings – for headset and pedals
lubricant – TriFlow and motor oil
metal wire – 20 feet [7 meters]
metal U clamps for front and back racks in case the frame mounts broke
freewheel removable tool
Loctite – for gluing nuts and bolts in place
allen keys – 4 sizes
pipe clamps (4)
extra derailer cable and extra brake cable
bolts for front and back rack (6)
chain links (5)
spare bicycle tube (2)
crank arm extractor tool – small inset washer type
washers (10)
cool tool – multi-purpose bicycle tool, crescent wrench, chain tool, spoke wrench etc.
duct tape
strapping tape
large Mountain Smith bag for tools
canvas pedal covers – these homemade covers helped keep my feet dry and warm
SOG tool – multi-purpose tool, pliers, knife, metal file, can-opener etc.
front panniers – mid size from Overland Expeditions
rear panniers – trans-am’s from Madden
fanny pack – Mountain Smith Lumbar pack
lower rider front bicycle rack
rear bicycle rack – Blackburn Expedition Rear Rack
mountain bike – Fisher Hookookoo, steel frame bike in case I needed to have parts welded on the spot
Ray Kreisel