Английский с А. Конан Дойлем. Пиратские истории / A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Pirates - Андреевский Сергей Аркадьевич. Страница 9

Английский с А. Конан Дойлем. Пиратские истории / A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Pirates - imgaa8.jpg
 “I had always understood that he was an ugly, sneering devil,” remarked the mate.

“Well, I dare say he could look ugly upon occasions,” said the Governor.

“I have heard a New Bedford whaleman say that he could not forget his eyes,” said Captain Scarrow. “They were of the lightest filmy blue, with red-rimmed lids. Was that not so, Sir Charles?”

“Alas, my own eyes will not permit me to know much of those of others! But I remember now that the Adjutant-General said that he had such an eye as you describe, and added that the jury were so foolish as to be visibly discomposed when it was turned upon them. It is well for them that he is dead, for he was a man who would never forget an injury, and if he had laid hands upon any one of them he would have stuffed him with straw and hung him for a figure-head.”

The idea seemed to amuse the Governor (эта мысль, казалось, позабавила губернатора), for he broke suddenly into a high, neighing laugh (ибо он вдруг разразился резким, /похожим на/ ржание, смехом; to break into – внезапно начинать /делать что-л./; high – высокий; резкий, пронзительный /о звуке/; to neigh – ржать), and the two seamen laughed also, but not so heartily (оба моряка засмеялись тоже, но не так искренне; heartily – сердечно, от всего сердца), for they remembered that Sharkey was not the last pirate (поскольку помнили, что Шарки был не последним пиратом) who sailed the western seas (плавающим = промышляющим в западных морях), and that as grotesque a fate might come to be their own (и что такая же нелепая доля может постичь их самих; to come – приходить; происходить, случаться). Another bottle was broached to drink to a pleasant voyage (откупорили еще одну бутылку, чтобы выпить за удачное: «приятное» плавание; to broach – делать прокол, отверстие; открыть /бочонок, бутылку/), and the Governor would drink just one other on the top of it (/потом/ губернатор захотел выпить еще одну; on the top of – поверх /чего-л./), so that the seamen were glad at last to stagger off (так что моряки в конце концов были рады /уйти, изрядно/ пошатываясь) – the one to his watch and the other to his bunk (один – на вахту, а другой – на койку). But when after his four hours’ spell the mate came down again (но когда после четырехчасовой вахты помощник вновь спустился вниз; spell – заклинание, чары; время дежурства /разг./), he was amazed to see the Governor (то с удивлением увидел губернатора) in his Ramillies wig, his glasses, and his powdering-gown (в его парике «рамилье», очках и халате) still seated sedately at the lonely table with his reeking pipe and six black bottles by his side (все еще степенно сидящим за пустым столом с дымящейся трубкой и шестью темными бутылками перед собой: «с его стороны»; lonely – одинокий).

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Английский с А. Конан Дойлем. Пиратские истории / A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Pirates - imgaa8.jpg
 The idea seemed to amuse the Governor, for he broke suddenly into a high, neighing laugh, and the two seamen laughed also, but not so heartily, for they remembered that Sharkey was not the last pirate who sailed the western seas, and that as grotesque a fate might come to be their own. Another bottle was broached to drink to a pleasant voyage, and the Governor would drink just one other on the top of it, so that the seamen were glad at last to stagger off – the one to his watch and the other to his bunk. But when after his four hours’ spell the mate came down again, he was amazed to see the Governor in his Ramillies wig, his glasses, and his powdering-gown still seated sedately at the lonely table with his reeking pipe and six black bottles by his side.

“I have drunk with the Governor of St. Kitt’s when he was sick,” said he (я пил с губернатором Сент-Китта, когда он был болен, – сказал он /себе/), “and God forbid that I should ever try to keep pace with him when he is well (но упаси меня Господь когда-нибудь попытаться не отстать от него, когда он выздоровеет; to forbid – запрещать, не позволять; to keep pace – держать шаг, темп; to be well – быть здоровым).”

The voyage of the Morning Star was a successful one (плавание «Утренней звезды» было удачным), and in about three weeks she was at the mouth of the British Channel (и примерно через три недели она была у входа в Ла-Манш; mouth – рот, уста; устье, вход; British Channel – «Британский канал», пролив Ла-Манш). From the first day the infirm Governor had begun to recover his strength (/буквально/ с первого дня /пребывания на судне/ немощный губернатор стал восстанавливать силы; to begin), and before they were half-way across the Atlantic (и прежде чем они прошли полпути через Атлантику) he was, save only for his eyes, as well as any man upon the ship (он был, если не считать его глаз, так же здоров, как и любой другой на судне).

Английский с А. Конан Дойлем. Пиратские истории / A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Pirates - _27.png

Английский с А. Конан Дойлем. Пиратские истории / A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Pirates - imgaa8.jpg
 “I have drunk with the Governor of St. Kitt’s when he was sick,” said he, “and God forbid that I should ever try to keep pace with him when he is well.”

The voyage of the Morning Star was a successful one, and in about three weeks she was at the mouth of the British Channel. From the first day the infirm Governor had begun to recover his strength, and before they were half-way across the Atlantic he was, save only for his eyes, as well as any man upon the ship.

Those who uphold the nourishing qualities of wine (те, кто стоит за полезные свойства вина; to uphold – поддерживать; одобрять; quality – качество; свойство) might point to him in triumph (могли бы, торжествуя, указать на него; in triumph – победоносно), for never a night passed (потому что не проходило ночи) that he did not repeat the performance of his first one (чтобы он не пьянствовал: «не повторял своего поведения» /так же/, как в ту первую ночь; performance – исполнение; поступок, поведение). And yet he would be out upon deck in the early morning (и однако же, всегда рано утром он появлялся на палубе; to be out – появляться; выходить) as fresh and brisk as the best of them (свежий и бодрый, как никто другой: «как лучшие из них»; brisk – живой, проворный), peering about with his weak eyes (оглядывая /все/ вокруг своими слабыми глазами), and asking questions about the sails and the rigging (и задавая вопросы о парусах и такелаже), for he was anxious to learn the ways of the sea (поскольку очень хотел выучиться морскому делу: «обычаям моря»; way – путь, дорога; уклад, обычай).

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Английский с А. Конан Дойлем. Пиратские истории / A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Pirates - imgaa8.jpg
 Those who uphold the nourishing qualities of wine might point to him in triumph, for never a night passed that he did not repeat the performance of his first one. And yet he would be out upon deck in the early morning as fresh and brisk as the best of them, peering about with his weak eyes, and asking questions about the sails and the rigging, for he was anxious to learn the ways of the sea.

And he made up for the deficiency of his eyes by obtaining leave from the captain (/пытаясь/ компенсировать недостаток зрения, он получил позволение капитана; to make up for – возмещать, компенсировать) that the New England seaman (чтобы тот матрос из Новой Англии) – he who had been cast away in the boat (которого нашли брошенным в лодке; to cast away – выбрасывать, избавляться) – should lead him about (повсюду сопровождал его; to lead – вести, сопровождать), and above all that he should sit beside him (и прежде всего, должен был сидеть рядом с ним) when he played cards and count the number of the pips (когда тот играет в карты и считает количество очков; pip – очко, картинка масти /на игральных картах/), for unaided he could not tell the king from the knave (поскольку без посторонней помощи тот не мог отличить короля от валета; to tell from – отличать, различать /амер./).