Atlas - Roberts Alyne. Страница 21

She looked around the room nervously and pulled on the hem of the dress she changed into. I should have told her to wear pants because seeing her long, bare legs brought me to my knees in the office. It would have been so easy to slip my hand up and into her panties. It probably would have happened if we hadn’t been interrupted.

"Where is he?" she whispered as she walked over to us at the bar.

"Sal is giving him a tour of the cellar in the basement," I told her. "Getting bourbon."

"Do you really have a cellar or is he going to kill him?" she asked.

"Shit," I said with a laugh. "I didn't think of that. You look nice."

"Thank you." Her cheeks blushed lightly. I got off on being able to do that.

My cousin's laughter and loud footsteps sounded down the hall. Stella's body stiffened so I reached for her and pulled her close. Tony pushed a pink drink over to her and she took it, quickly taking a drink. I put a hand on her back so she would know I was here and in control.

"Ah, the beauty has joined her beast," Xander said as he entered the room, expensive bottle in hand. It did exist. "Xander," he said, extending his hand for her.

"Alexa," she offered easily. I rubbed her back to let her know she did well. She looked different enough with the new hair that I was sure he wouldn't recognize her right away but her photo circulated for a while within the family.

"Nice to meet you," he said, already busy trying to pour a glass. If all went well, he would be wasted and passed out before the sun was down.

"Now I see what has my cousin hiding away for months," he joked. I felt Stella go stiff and her grip tightened on her glass. I knew those words reminded her of Hector. It reminded me of Hector, and pissed me off.

"Fuck off," I said, shooting him a deathly glare. Xander got the message and poured a drink.

"So tell me, Atlas," he started, handing me a glass as well. "How did you manage to get out of the city? I would kill for a vacation."

I laughed because no one got time off and he knew this. I just took off and no one dared to ask me to do any dirty work. Xander never showed the initiative that I had when we were young. He never seemed to want to run the casinos or gambling sites. Xander always appeared perfectly fine chasing down money or doing the ground work. That's why he never had the same responsibilities that I did.

"I'm not too far from the city," I told him. "It's not like I'm sitting in the Miami sun."

"Right," he said, all the humor leaving his voice.

Interesting. Party boy should love it down there. Sal gave me a look so I know he caught the shift as well. Although Xander had never had much responsibility in Chicago, that could've changed in Miami.

"No talk about work," Xander announced, finishing his drink in one gulp. "Where are you from, Alexa?"

"San Fran," she lied quickly.

"Tell me you have a hot and single sister," Xander said, putting his hands together in prayer.

Stella laughed and shook her head. "Sorry. Only child."

The words stabbed me and I'm sure they hurt her, too. I snaked my hand around her waist and pulled her into my chest. She slightly leaned back into me.

"Damn it," Xander whined playfully. "I had sisters once. It was amazing."

Xander grabbed his drink and Sal led him over to the fireplace. Tony followed as Xander gave a graphic retelling of hooking up with sisters in Vegas. It was a story I heard a dozen times already, so I stayed at the bar with Stella. I was sure she didn't need to hear his exaggerated story anyway. I don't even think the girls were actually related.

"You're doing fine," I whispered in her ear.

"You sure? I feel like he can see right through me," she whispered, leaning her head back so I could hear her.

Looking over, I found Xander watching us. I could tell he was suspicious. Understandably, since I wasn't someone often seen with a woman. Needing to convince him this was another fling, I ran my hand up her waist and over her chest. Stella inhaled sharply as I grazed over her nipple and up her neck. I wrapped my fingers gently around her throat and put my mouth on her ear.

“We're being watched," I breathed into her ear before pulling her earlobe into my mouth.

Stella's eyes fell closed and she went weak in my arms. I pulled her closer and licked the shell of her ear. She tasted salty and sweet at the same time. I tasted the spot behind her ear and down the back of neck. A soft moan left her mouth and I pushed into her in warning.

"Don't," I said against her skin with a soft bite to make a point. "Don't make me lose control."



I was on fire. When I walked into the room, I was so nervous I thought I would be sick. It didn't take long to forget why I was even there. When Atlas touched me gently like I was his, I forgot how dangerous he was. He took me forcefully and kept me against my will. He was sent to kill me, but when he protected me, that didn't matter. I melted into him, needing the comfort he gave.

Maybe being alone for so long made me desperate for any affection or connection. Someone was finally holding me. After months of looking over my shoulder, I didn't need to anymore. The hunter already found me and had me trapped, but I felt safe in his cage. I wasn't sure if I trusted that he would protect me if I helped him, but part of me wished I could.

His hot tongue licked over my racing pulse before he slowly pulled back. I opened my eyes as the sounds of the guys talking by the fireplace filtered back into my ears. I straightened and pulled away from Atlas, needing my head clear. Looking over, Tony was watching us with a confused expression.

Atlas led me over the fireplace where Xander was telling another colorful tale. Sal made more drinks, and I found myself laughing at stories of Xander's drunken mistakes. While Xander told me about a waking up on a yacht that wasn't his, Atlas pulled me down onto his lap. At first, I froze but he squeezed my hand and I relaxed into him.

While the others chatted, Atlas kept touching me in some way. His fingers played with the hem of my dress. Every few minutes, his lips would graze my neck or cheek. Every touch made my stomach do a flip. Every nerve was awake and buzzing for him. This was how I imagined we would act before he drugged and kidnapped me.

"So Alexa, how did you meet Atlas?" Xander eventually asked.

"At a club," I told him. It was the truth so it was easy to say.

"Surely one Atlas owns otherwise he wouldn't be in one. He has two left feet," he said, laughing into his glass.

"I thought he danced fine," I said quickly. My cheeks burned when I remembered how we danced in the club. At the time I thought I would never see him again.

"That was the alcohol talking," Xander said. "Speaking of alcohol, we need another trip to the cellar. Be right back."

Xander got up and stumbled out of the room. The guys killed a whole bottle in a short time. Atlas seemed sober still. We exhaled loudly when we heard the door close down the hall. I shifted in Atlas's lap, unsure how to act when no one was watching.

"Why hasn't he passed out yet?" Tony asked. "I thought he would be out by now. He has no tolerance."