Atlas - Roberts Alyne. Страница 22

"This is your plan?" Sal asked, glaring at Atlas. "Pretend she's your girl?"

"It's working, isn't it?" Atlas asked. His grip tightened on my thigh.

"Oh yeah, your acting is spot on. And if he recognizes her?"

"He would have by now."

"Not worth the risk," Sal said, now glaring at me. "There was a plan in place for shit like this."

A chill ran down my spine. They were discussing me like I wasn't even in the room. Like I was a prisoner. Like I was disposable. I started to stand but Atlas stood behind me, stepping around me. He stood in front of Sal, his fist clenched at his side. Tony came up behind me, pulling me back behind the couch and out the way.

"Are you fucking questioning me?" Atlas growled at his man. "Because I have a plan to handle that as well."

"Our lives are on the line, too. Not just yours," Sal said back with equal anger.

"Better to put just hers on the line right?"

Sal looked over Atlas's shoulder at me. I could feel the tension rise in the room and I wanted to run. They were talking about me like I was a pet. Tony came to stand in front of me.

"He already saw her," Tony told Sal. "This was the best option. Now drop it because he's coming."

The men stepped away from each other just as Xander entered the room. I tried to smile at him but my head was spinning. My mind was catching up with what was happening. Sal obviously thought I shouldn't be here. I was a risk to them in some way because I was alive.

"What did I miss?" Xander asked with a slight slur.

"Nothing, cousin," Atlas answered, moving away from Sal with a final glare in his direction.

Xander went to the bar with the new bottle and started to pour more drinks. He was watching us closely and I could see the suspicion. My heart was pounding and I could feel my hands starting to shake with fear. It had become very obvious that the fact I was still alive was a huge problem.

Needing to do something, anything to save my own life, I walked over to Atlas. I needed to do something to take off the suspicion. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pushed up on my tip-toes. He gave me a quick look of confusion before I pressed my lips to his. Molding my chest to his, he pulled me closer and kissed me back. I sighed into his mouth as he licked my bottom lip. I gripped the back of his neck and tilted my head, giving him better access to my mouth.

In front of the three guys, Atlas nibbled on my lips and kissed me like no one was watching. I slipped my tongue out to battle his. He tasted like the bourbon, and I wanted to get drunk off it. My eyes closed and I pretended for just a second that I was really just his girl and not a pawn in whatever dangerous game he was playing.

"Get a damn room," Xander said from behind us.

I slowly pulled away and opened my eyes. Atlas glared down at me and my skin burned under his gaze.

"What did I tell you, Little Star?" he whispered in my ear.

"To behave or you'll kill me," I told him. He shook his head.

"Don't let me touch you again." He pulled away and looked up at the guys who were watching us. I couldn't look at them. I was too scared to look to see if the suspicion was gone in Xander’s eyes.

"We are going to head to bed, gentlemen," Atlas said, placing a hand on my lower back to guide me.

"It was nice meeting you, Alexa," Xander said, reaching out to shake my hand.

"You too," I said, hearing the slight shake in my own voice.

Xander shook my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Atlas was close behind me, urging me forward. With a smile, I finally met Xander's eyes. When I went to pull away, he didn't release my hand. He just stared at me and I could feel the panic rising inside me.

"You look strangely familiar," he said quietly.

Those four words sent the room into a flash of movement. I was pulled back roughly and my knees hit the floor. The unmistakable sound of gun safety clicks echoed. Looking up, guns were pointed in every direction. Sal's gun was aimed at my head.

The room went silent. Xander had his gun aimed at Atlas, who was aiming at Sal but watching his cousin. Tony had his gun trained on Xander. I was defenseless on my hands and knees while Sal aimed at me. It seemed this was the moment all of us never wanted to see happen. Someone was going to die in this room. This couldn't end well and we all knew it.

"Put the gun down, Atlas. I don't want to shoot you," Xander said calmly. All evidence of the buzz he had seemed to have evaporated.

"You know I can't do that," Atlas said, his gun still pointed at Sal.

"Come on, man. We're family," Xander said.

"That's the fucking problem."

Everyone held their ground. Xander's eyes bounced between me and Atlas. Tony kept his attention on Xander, ready to shoot. I could feel sweat forming on my forehead. This had to be what my parents felt like the last few minutes of their lives.

"I'm not like them. And neither are you," Xander said, slowly lowering his gun. "That's why I came to you, cousin."

"Atlas," Sal interrupted. "This is out of hand."

"You shoot her and I will end you," Atlas told him with a menace to his voice that gave me chills.

Reluctantly, Sal lowered his weapon. Tony and Atlas followed and I finally took in a breath.

"You always keep your promises," Xander said. "She's Ace's sister right? She looks like him."

"What do you mean you aren't like them?" Atlas asked. "As you know, she should be dead and I can't have anyone knowing she’s not. Tell me why I shouldn't let Tony put a bullet in your head right now."

Xander rubbed his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. The tension in the room was so thick it was hard to breathe.

"I was asked to get rid of the Harlows," he said.

Atlas lunged for Xander, throwing him into the wall. I stared at Xander but knew he wasn't the man I saw in my kitchen.

"I didn't do it," he rushed out. His words were chocked by Atlas's arm pushing on his throat. "I told him no. Ace was my friend, too."

Atlas looked back at me and I nodded, confirming Xander wasn't the guy he was looking for.

"Who asked you?"

"Who do you think?"

Silence hung in the air. For the hundredth time since I had arrived at this house, I wished I could be anywhere else. I was looking at the people responsible for leaving me alone in this world and it was eating at me inside. Atlas finally pushed off Xander and came over to me.

"You okay?" he asked quietly.

I nodded and took his hand as he pulled me to my feet. He held my hand until I was steady. I glanced over at Sal, uneasy around him now. Moments ago he was ready to shoot me. Everything happened so fast but no one missed a second of it. Those actions would later be replayed and dissected to show true motivation.

One thing became painfully clear in that room. While the crickets chirped outside the sliding glass doors, we stood in silence and stared at each other. The realization washed over me like a cold waterfall, giving me goosebumps. I was never meant to leave this house alive. There was no scenario that my life wouldn't be a risk to these guys and whatever they were doing. The moment I was no longer needed, or too great of a risk, I would be dead.

"Tony," Atlas barked. "Take Stella to her room."

Tony took my arm and we quietly left the room without a backward glance. Atlas meant nothing to me, just as I was nothing to him. Every gentle gesture, touch, and kiss was all part of their cover. I was just a pawn in his plan.