Shadow - Dohner Laurann. Страница 53

Strong arms wrapped around her waist, hugging her so tightly it was hard to breathe. She didn’t complain about that or him refusing to put her on her feet. They’d survived and he’d come after her. She’d been sure it wouldn’t end so well.

“Look at me, love,” he rasped.

She pulled her head back enough to see his face. Small cuts had left one cheek bloody, probably from flying glass inside the cabin when it had been torn apart by bullets. A gash was on his forehead was no longer bleeding, but blood smeared back into his hairline. One arm released her waist and his big hand gently touched her cheek.

“Ouch!” She flinched away.

Rage narrowed his eyes. “Who did this to you?”

“It’s okay. I’m okay,” she promised. She’d been hit before, lots of times. It wasn’t anything serious. Now wasn’t the time to mention that though. It would only incense Shadow to be reminded of the past abuse she’d suffered.

“Who struck you? Which one? Point him out.” His voice came out animalistic and scary.

“I shot him in the thigh and ran away from him.”

He studied the men on the ground before he eased her down and jerked his head in the direction she’d come from. “Go. You shouldn’t see this.”

“See what?” She was hesitant to let go of him and clung to his arms.

The muscles in his jaw clenched. “Go, Beauty.”

He was going to kill them. It wasn’t just an idle threat to scare them when he wanted the mercenaries to fight him hand to hand. He was seriously pissed and wanted more than blood.

“You don’t have to do that. Arrest them. We have laws.”

He stepped closer, peering down at her. “Go.” His nose flared. “More Species are coming. You’re safe. Just walk out of sight and wait for me.”

She shook her head. “You could get into trouble if you kill them. Don’t do this for me.”

He took a deep, shuddering breath, possibly attempting to get control of his rage. “They came to steal you. A message has to be sent and I’m sending it. No one survives if they get near you. I never want this to happen again. The one who paid them might attempt to hire others but word will spread to mercenaries when these ones disappear. They will know death awaits them if they accept this job. Now go.”

Shadow was willing to die and kill for her. That was the message he was giving her. Strong emotions welled inside Beauty, almost overwhelming her. Gratitude for the lengths he’d go to keep her safe, appreciation for the self-sacrifices he was willing to make because she didn’t believe he could kill without care, but most of all, she felt love.

I’m in love with him, she realized. How it had happened so fast wasn’t really a mystery. Attraction, trust, the laughs, the intense discussions they’d shared, and finally the physical bonding had united them in an intricate bond. She also realized she had a choice to make.

“Is this what you really feel you must do or are you just doing it for me?”


“Will you sleep better at night knowing they are dead or lie awake being haunted by more blood on your hands?”

An eyebrow arched.

“I don’t want you to kill them if you’re going to suffer for it. They aren’t worth that. I know Justice will never allow them to go free.” She licked her lips, searching for the right words. “I don’t want you to look at me and remember death. Don’t do that to us.”

His head snapped up to peer at something behind her. She followed his gaze and barely suppressed a gasp. Two huge Species had stepped out of the woods, both only wearing loincloths. Their faces were typical of Wild Zone residents. There was no mistaking the more animal-like features they had or the untamed look in their striking eyes.

“The others are dead,” one of them rasped. He stared at Beauty with open curiosity but then shifted his gaze up. “These are the only ones left except for the shot one on the ground with Torrent.”

“What about the helicopter?”

A big man wearing cut-off shorts stepped out of the woods. His catlike eyes were stunning and so was his unusual nose, a trait he must have inherited from the lion or other large feline genes with which he’d been infused. He waved his hands at the other two, indicating they should go back into the thick trees. They disappeared without a word.

“I’m Leo.” He smiled at Beauty. “I’m glad you’re safe.” His focus fixed on Shadow. “Officers dragged the two humans out of the loud flying vehicle and have them on the ground. Torrent sent me after you to see if you needed help.” He bent, grabbing one of the mercenaries by his hair. “Come on, human. Fight and I will hurt you more.” He growled low, a terrifying warning. “The officers want you.” He grabbed the other mercenary still curled into a ball from being kicked in the nuts. “You too, whiner. Walk or be dragged.”

Relief washed through Beauty. It seemed Shadow wouldn’t have to kill for her after all. The decision had been taken out of his hands, something she was grateful for. There had been enough bloodshed during his lifetime, in her opinion, and she didn’t want to be the reason to add more.

An emotion that closely resembled disappointment flashed across his handsome features before he sighed. “Walk ahead of me but stay in sight. I smell a lot of the residents nearby. I’ll take this one and Justice can decide his fate.”

“Thank you.”

She watched silently as Shadow grabbed the man and hoisted him up roughly. The human moaned in pain but he was alive. He might regret that once he faced their laws. New Species had no mercy for enemies. She walked, keeping close to the tall Species.

There was no fear when she noticed a few solitary figures in the woods. They were Wild Zone residents who’d come to help. She smiled at a few of them in thanks, but they kept their distance. Some of their features were shocking, more animal than human. Her heart went out to them. It would be tough for them to fit in at Homeland and the reason for Reservation became apparent.

The first glimpse of the cabin made Beauty’s knees go weak. The entire first level was bullet-ridden, all the windows shot out, and holes of various sizes were ugly reminders of the attack. It stunned her that the structure didn’t just collapse. Part of the deck had been blown apart, probably from a grenade. She halted in her tracks, not even aware of doing it or the fact that over a dozen Species milled in the yard.

Breeze walked out of the broken front door, helped by a tall Species. Blood soaked her shirt and pants along one side, the red stain bright. She’d been shot or stabbed to cause that wound.

“Oh no.” Tears blinded Beauty.

“I’m fine,” Breeze swore firmly, hearing her. “It is just a graze.”

The man helping her walk growled in response. “That would imply you don’t have a hole going through you. Shut up and allow me to carry you to the Jeep.”

“No. You shut up.” Breeze punched him in the side where they were touching, one of his arms around her waist. It wasn’t a hard hit, more of a playful tag with her fist. Her smile appeared forced though. “It’s not bad at all, Beauty. You look about to faint. Don’t. It’s just a scratch.”

Something fell heavily to the ground with a grunt and Beauty jumped, jerking her head in that direction. Shadow had dumped the mercenary he’d been carrying and stepped closer, anger still etched on his face. He reached her in long strides and wiped the blood from his hands onto his sweats before gripping her hips.

“I’ve got you. Climb up me and I’ll carry you.”

She glanced around at all the Species men silently watching them. They seemed fascinated to see what she’d do. Shadow lifted her without any further warning and she ended up plastered against his chest. He adjusted his hold to cradle her in his arms but she didn’t protest.

There was nowhere else she’d rather be. His chin rested on the top of her head. “You’re safe. It’s going to be fine.”