Shadow - Dohner Laurann. Страница 54

She hoped he was right. Her gaze drifted back to the destroyed cabin and she inwardly winced. Some vacation. She had a bad feeling it was over and her time with Shadow might come to an end too. Her arms wound around his neck, holding him tightly. She didn’t ever want to let go.

Chapter Eighteen

Medical had turned into a buzz of activity since Shadow had left the day before. Officers were grimly waiting to be seen by the overworked staff. Shadow carried Beauty inside, walked to the front counter, and growled at the human male nurse behind it.

“She was hit and needs to be seen.”

“Take a number,” the harried male sighed, glancing at Beauty. “She looks okay to me besides the bruise. Both doctors are really busy right now. They are patching up those mercenaries and we have injured officers.”

Shadow snarled. “She’s more important than the humans who attacked us.”

The nurse’s eyes widened as he stepped back. “I understand and agree with you but we’re in triage mode. It means the most critical are seen first.”

Another male walked up behind the counter, a Species wearing blue scrubs, and waited for Shadow to meet his gaze. “I’m Destiny. I was just transferred here from Homeland.” He glanced at Beauty. “Hi, Beauty. Are you okay?”

She nodded. It alarmed Shadow a little that the male knew her name. He didn’t like it and stepped back when the other male attempted to touch her. He snarled in warning, daring him to attempt it again.

Destiny raised his hands, palms showing. “Easy. I’m a nurse. I trained at Homeland and I’m familiar with all the females, her included. I just wanted to move Beauty’s hair away from her cheek to see the damage. The doctors are busy but I could examine her.”

Shadow debated it. “I want a doctor. Tell one of them to stop working on a human to tend to her. She’s a priority.”

“I agree.” Destiny lowered his hands to his side.

“I’m okay,” Beauty protested.

“Silence,” Shadow ordered softly. “Get a doctor, Destiny. She was struck in the face by a human with a closed fist. Her bones are fragile and there’s swelling. He might have broken something.”

“I’m sure I’m okay,” she whispered. “It’s fine, Shadow. I can wait. I smell a lot of blood in here.”

“That’s true. We had a Species shot with a tranquilizer dart and then some of the protesters decided to take advantage of the confusion. They threw bottles and rocks at the officers. A few were hit.” Destiny stepped closer. “One of the Wild Zone residents was shot and he’s in surgery.”

“Clear a hole! I brought two medics to help,” a male shouted as the doors were shoved open behind him. Shadow knew that voice and turned his head, surprised to watch some of the task force members enter the building. “Go help,” Tim Oberto ordered two task force members. “Do whatever you can.”

Shadow swung back around and nodded at Destiny. “Take us to a room.” He made sure he didn’t bump into anyone while he got Beauty away from all humans. They frightened her and she’d been exposed enough to them. The task force posed a danger right now since a traitor was amongst them.

He ducked his head, hoping to avoid his old boss for the moment. Destiny led them down a hallway to an empty exam room. Shadow glanced around and gently settled Beauty on the bed. He released her and marched to the attached bathroom, making sure no one hid inside. It was clear and he approached Beauty again.

“Do you feel safe with this male?” He indicated the Species nurse.

She nodded. “Yes. I know him. I get regular checkups and he’s there often.”

He spun around to glare at the male. “You protect her. Don’t leave her side. Do you understand? Anything happens to her and you’ll die a slow and painful death. I have to go talk to someone but I’ll hurry back.”

Destiny calmly regarded him. “Everything I’ll need is in this room. She’ll be safe.”

It angered Shadow to have to trust someone he didn’t know but he had little choice unless he brought Tim into the room. Beauty had been traumatized enough. “She better be.” He left the room, closing the door behind him.

It was easy to find the human task force leader. He stood on a chair in reception, barking out orders to more of the task force on scene. “Sit down, damn it, if you’re bleeding.” Tim pointed to Mark, one of his team. “Go grab bandages and wet rags. Clean some of them up so it’s easier for the medical staff to assess them.” He pointed to another member. “Cory, man the damn phones. That incessant ringing is giving me a headache.”

Shadow paused behind Tim and growled. The male turned his head and peered down at him. “Shadow. I’m glad you’re here. You look banged up, but good. Go to Security and give them a report. We have a second team arriving in ten minutes but we need to know what happened. We’re holding an emergency briefing as soon as the helicopter lands.”

“The human piece of shit who once held Beauty prisoner hired mercenaries to steal her.” He stepped around the chair to face the male. “Someone on the team gave them access to my emergency transmitter.”

Tim paled. “What?”

“They knew about my coin and that’s how they located the cabin.” He wanted to howl in rage. “They admitted it, before you ask how I’m certain. Bragged about it. Someone betrayed me.”

Tim stepped off the chair. “Shit.” He grabbed his cell phone, dialing. “Someone betrayed all of us but I’m on it. I’ll have the son of a bitch by his balls before he can say ‘fucked’.”

“I want his head,” Shadow demanded.

Tim nodded grimly. “Patch me through to Trey, private headset,” he ordered whomever he spoke to. He put his hand over the phone. “I’m on with one of the pilots of the helicopter. There’re only two possible suspects. I’m going to have Trey arrest them until we can narrow down which one of them it was. They are assigned to his team today.”

“How do you know you can trust Trey? I know he has the access codes.”

Tim snorted, some of his anger fading from his features. “That boy is the son I never had and he’s as loyal as they come. I once thought he’d be good married to my daughter so I checked him out. But then she met Brawn. It wasn’t Trey who sold you out. I’d bet my pension on it.”

Shadow wasn’t sure what a pension was but he did trust Tim. The male wasn’t likeable at all times but he had honor. He took pride in his work and his team. His daughter was also mated to a council member. He’d privately shown pictures to his Species team members of his grandson, Kismet. The love he felt for the child was always apparent. Tim would never betray his extended family—the Species.

“Trey!” Tim covered his other ear to hear better. “We have a situation. Glance around and signal all the men on your team to remove their headsets right now just in case the pilot forgot to make this a private conversation.” He paused. “They all down?” He paused again. “Good. Just listen to me. Shadow’s emergency tracker was activated and that’s how those bastards who attacked Reservation found the Gift. You understand what that means. It wasn’t me or you so we know who is left. Arrest them both the moment you land and haul their asses to Security. We’ll figure it out later but I’ll be damned if we’re screwed a second time.” He held Shadow’s gaze while he quietly listened to the response, nodded and hung up. “Trey is on it. He’s pissed.”

“So am I.”

Tim shoved his phone inside his pocket. “We’ll figure out which one of them it was.”

“I want to be there.”

Tim hesitated. “Let’s figure out who it is first and then I’ll personally leave you alone in the room with the son of a bitch.” He glanced around and lowered his voice. “Do you know how many times I wanted to tell the other guys on the team about my grandson but wasn’t allowed to? Thank God.” He clenched his teeth. “He could have sold that information as well. I thought the NSO was being paranoid by not allowing humans to know but they weren’t.” He shoved his fists on his hips. “Just leave enough of him intact for me to get a piece.”