Collected Poems 1947-1997 - Ginsberg Allen. Страница 167

There ain’t no Lord to call on, now my youth is gone

Sickness blues, don’t want to fuck no more

Sickness blues, can’t get it up no more

Tears come in my eyes, feel like an old tired whore

I went to see the doctor, he shot me with poison germs

I got out of the hospital, my head was full of worms

All I can think is Death, father’s getting old

He can’t walk half a block, his feet feel cold

I went down to Santa Fe take vacation there

Indians selling turquoise in dobe huts in Taos Pueblo Square

Got headache in La Fonda, I could get sick anywhere

Must be my bad karma, fuckin these pretty boys

Hungry ghosts chasing me, because I been chasing joys

Lying here in bed alone, playing with my toys

I musta been doing something wrong meat & cigarettes

Bow down before my lord, 100 thousand regrets

All my poems down in hell, that’s what pride begets

Sick and angry, lying in my hospital bed

Doctor Doctor bring morphine before I’m totally dead

Sick and angry at the national universe O my aching head

Someday I’m gonna get out of here, go somewhere alone

Yeah I’m going to leave this town with noise of rattling bone

I got the sickness blues, you’ll miss me when I’m gone

Boulder, July 19, 1975

Gospel Noble Truths

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Gospel Noble Truths

Born in this world

You got to suffer

Everything changes

You got no soul

Try to be gay

Ignorant happy

You get the blues

You eat jellyroll

There is one Way

You take the high road

In your big Wheel

8 steps you fly

Look at the View

Right to horizon

Talk to the sky

Act like you talk

Work like the sun

Shine in your heaven

See what you done

Come down & walk

Sit you sit down

Breathe when you breathe

Lie down you lie down

Walk where you walk

Talk when you talk

Cry when you cry

Lie down you lie down

Die when you die

Look when you look

Hear what you hear

Taste what you taste here

Smell what you smell

Touch what you touch

Think what you think

Let go Let it go Slow

Earth Heaven & Hell

Die when you die

Die when you die

Lie down you lie down

Die when you die

New York Subway, October 17, 1975

Lay Down Yr Mountain

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Rolling Thunder Stones



Lay down     Lay down yr mountain     Lay down God

Lay down     Lay down your music     Love lay down

Lay down     Lay down yr hatred     Lay yrself down

Lay down     Lay down your nation     Lay your foot on the rock

Lay down yr whole creation     Lay yr mind down

Lay down     Lay down yr empire     Lay your whole world down

Lay down your soul forever     Lay your vision down

Lay down yr bright body     Down your golden heavy crown

Lay down     Lay down yr magic hey!     Alchemist lay it down clear

Lay down your practice precisely     Lay down yr wisdom dear

Lay down yr skillful camera     Lay down yr image right

Lay down your brilliant image     Lay down light

Lay down     your ignorance     Roll yr wheel once more

Lay down yr empty suffering     Lay down yr Lion’s Roar

October 31, 1975


Sunrise Ceremony Verse

Improvised with Australian Aborigine Song-Sticks

at Request of Medicine Man Rolling Thunder November 5, 1975

When Music was needed Music sounded

When a Ceremony was needed a Teacher appeared

When Students were needed Telephones rang.

When Cars were needed Wheels rolled in

When a Place was needed a Mansion appeared

When a Fire was needed Wood appeared

When an Ocean was needed Waters rippled waves

When Shore was needed Shore met Ocean

When Sun was needed the Sun rose east

When People were needed People arrived

When a circle was needed a Circle formed.




Nobody saves America by sniffing cocaine

Jiggling yr knees blankeyed in the rain

When it snows in yr nose you catch cold in yr brain

Danbury, November 10, 1975



We give thanks for this food, deer meat & indian-corn soup

Which is a product of the labor of your people