Collected Poems 1947-1997 - Ginsberg Allen. Страница 170

Dharma Death, your mind is new

Sangha Death, we’ll work it through

Suffering is what was born

Ignorance made me forlorn

Tearful truths I cannot scorn

Father Breath once more farewell

Birth you gave was no thing ill

My heart is still, as time will tell.

July 8, 1976 (Over Lake Michigan)


Near the Scrap Yard my Father’ll be Buried

Near Newark Airport my father’ll be

Under a Winston Cigarette sign buried

On Exit 14 Turnpike NJ South

Through the tollgate Service Road 1 my father buried

Past Merchants Refrigerating concrete on the cattailed marshes

past the Budweiser Anheuser-Busch brick brewery

in B’Nai Israel Cemetery behind a green painted iron fence

where there used to be a paint factory and farms

where Pennick makes chemicals now

under the Penn Central power Station

transformers & wires, at the borderline

between Elizabeth and Newark, next to Aunt Rose

Gaidemack, near Uncle Harry Meltzer

one grave over from Abe’s wife Anna my father’ll be buried.

July 9, 1976


What’s to be done about Death?

Nothing, nothing

Stop going to school No. 6 Paterson, N.J., in 1937?

Freeze time tonight, with a headache, at quarter to 2 A.M.?

Not go to Father’s funeral tomorrow morn?

Not go back to Naropa teach Buddhist poetics all summer?

Not be buried in the cemetery near Newark Airport some day?

Paterson, July 11, 1976

“Junk Mail”

I received in mail offer beautiful certificate National Conference Synagogue Youth

invites subscriber Monthly Review Independent Socialist Mag

Congressman Koch reports on collapse of our cities

Epilepsy Foundation misdelivered for Mr. Pantonucci light candle understanding 4 million Americans

Dear Mr. Orlovsky put Salvation Army on your Christmas List $50 return enclosed envelope

American Friends Service Committee act now meet urgent human needs hungry families Prisoners

in remote penal institutions Rehabilitation Vietnam Laos Northern Great Plains Indians block land-destruction by energy seeking industries Contact between Israeli Jews & Arabs

Psychoenergetics workshops in Vermont Green Mountain Quarterly’s Imperialist Ideology in Donald Duck with a new bibliography Sri Aurobindo and the Mother protected by Intnl. copyright laws News of Auroville

Dear Friend: we are Michael & Robert Meeropol, sons of Julius & Ethel Rosenberg executed by U.S. Government 22 years ago.

Sue the Government for the Files duplicating fees alone Twenty-five

Thousand Dollars

Christmas Greetings Help Hospitalized Veterans art or craft Kit enthused busily working for days Bob Hope helps.

Fund For Peace if your blood boils Press accounts C.I.A. blackmail assassination a powerful alternative to World Violence Private Citizens acting Global

Gay Peoples Union NYU faces bankruptcy Dance Halloween

Boycott Gallo Grapes lettuce United Farmworkers of America Our struggle is not over make checks payable Si Se Puede Cesar E. Chavez Union Label

Announcing Energy & Evolution Quarterly how to make harps lyres & dulcimers Quantum Theory Tantra & land reform organic gardening

Give Poets & Writers’ CODA to a friend subscribe United Nations Childrens’ Fund severe malnutrition Starvation faces 400 to 500 million children poorer countries. Dwarfism

disease blindness mental retardation stunted growth crop failures drought flood exhausted wheat rice reserves skyrocketing fuel costs fertilizer shortages Desperately need your help.

Racial motives lead to Innocent Marine’s conviction in Georgia murder trial a thick envelope from Southern Poverty Law Center Julian Bond

“I didn’t mean to harm anyone. I only went into that Police Station to see what they were doing to my brother…” sd Marine Sgt. Roy Patterson

Won’t you help millions in desperate need Thanksgiving urgently bless Carl’s Holiday Food Crusade “Yes! use my tax deductible donation to keep them alive.”

Catholic Peace Fellowship Activist Fund’s special appeal help the Staff to foster Christian Pacifist Continental Walk Disarmament & Social Justice

() I have no money at present but I wish to remain on the mailing list () Please take my name off your mailing list

An important message from Robert Redford about the Environment 80 separate legal actions Dirty air you pay your life Aerosol Spray cancer the National Resources Defense Council needs your support

The Continental Walk itself: the Nations spent $4.5 Trillion military security since 1946 This year $240 Billion join us walk across ? of the Planet’s surface Nonviolent resistance Unilateral Disarmament

Aum Sri Ganeshaya Namah Tantra Non-salacious in tone & intent lecturer Dr. Thackur George Washington Hotel Lexington Avenue NYC

Dear Friend: the War Resisters International is in a desperate financial situation

Nuclear Age pacifist work must advance leafleting soldiers British Withdrawal from Northern Ireland Campaign

We are in need of the kind of Miracle you can bring to pass. The huge influx of Russian Immigrants upon Bikur Cholem Hospital in the heart of Jerusalem—Don’t turn your back on the Herculean efforts …

First priority reservation on new gold $100 Canadian Olympic Coin now available at just $110! for American Express Cardmembers—

Ad Hoc Coalition for a New Foreign Policy (formerly Coalition to Stop Funding the War) hopes you will join the network by filling out the enclosed envelope

Human Rights Amendment, end Vietnam Trade Embargo, cut foreign military assistance encourage people to people Friendshipments to Vietnam

A literary miracle 843 poems written in 24 hours by Indian Yogi Sri Chinmoi Aum Publications

If you haven’t joined the Great Falls Development Corp. now’s the time to do so

& subscribe to the William Carlos Williams Newsletter. Penmaen Press: Two fascinating heretofore unpublished letters written in 1956 to Richard Eberhart by Allen Ginsberg …

Please won’t you help Central America Sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Subcontinent? Give generously to Planned Parenthood—World Population

Confidential—Memo to supporters of Open Housing from Fund for Open Society a nonprofit mortgage Co. to advance equal housing: fight racial steering

Dear Citizen of the World: First days explosion bomb radioactivity starve Ozone layer? Isn’t it time we did something?

1) Send cooperators ten addresses w/ zip codes 2) Mail friends endorsement 3) Write your Congressman President Newspaper editor & Presidential Candidate.

As a final move, the World Authority would destroy all Nuclear Weapons.