Как котенок Правду искал - Крихели Ангелина. Страница 10

Squirrel behind. Kits were chatting cheerfully, looking at the kitten and hiding

behind old Owl.

The kitten admired funny switches on their ears, golden tint of their hair

and enormous fluffy tails. He unwittingly waved his tail to see it better and grew

sad as it wasn’t so fluffy. Squirrel passed her kids paying attention to everyone

and turned to the kitten.

- They say you went bravely into the deep dark forest to find Truth for your

friend… - Squirrel started speaking.

The kitten nodded humbly, standing in front of two adults and the whole

brood of playing squirrel kits.

Squirrel smiled to the kitten encouragingly.

- Why does your friend need Truth? – she asked little Murzik.

- Aunt Squirrel, my friend Vanechka got into trouble. His mother is very

upset because of a broken vase and he needs to bring back her good mood

badly. He said that Truth could help him. I heard it and went to look for her. On my

way I met a chick and a duckling, kind Water from the pond, the old father

Pinestry, Titmouse and Hedgehog. Then, Owl flew away to find you, because

you’re said to know for sure where to find Lesovichok-Borovichok, who knows

where to find Truth. – The kitten pattered.

- Wel , - Squirrel replied sedately. – Returning Vania’s mother her good

mood is worthwhile. And looking for Truth is a good idea as well. I’l help you.

Squirrel whistled as ever she could and the kitten even covered his ears

with his paws. The sound broke but nothing happened. The kitten began looking

around and squirrel kits ran to their mother to protect them. She hugged them all

and cuddled. And suddenly they heard heavy:

- Pooh, pooh, pooh…

The kitten also snuggled frightenedly against Squirrel, looking away the

side where the sound was coming. A minute after a bear cub stepped forward

from the trees. He was puffing heavily, trying to recover his breath from a fast run.

Slowing down he came to Squirrel.

- Good evening, aunt Squirrel! I heard you called me and came racing

along. – A bear cub sniffed.

Squirrel waved her paw to her kits and they darted away on a tree at once.

There they were sitting on a branch and observing the events happening down

with their enormous fluffy tails and pricked ears with funny golden tassels. One kit

was constantly eating nuts and was the plumpest one. The second couldn’t sit stil

even for a minute and was the slimmest and the most energetic. The third one

heard everything because he always had his ears pricked. And two other kits

always cuddled their mother in search of her warm and protection as they were

the youngest ones.

- You did everything right, little Potapych, - Squirrel replied to a bear cub.

– Lead him to Lesovichok-Borovichok.

- Alright, - a bear cub sniffed and moved his back up to the kitten. Murzik

stretched his paw out flabbily and then jerked it back frightenedly. Though, there

was no moment when he forgot that he had to help his friend by all means.

That’s why he climbed on the bear cub back. They took to the road after saying

goodbye to everyone. A bear cub was making his way through the forest and the

sky above their heads shone with a lot of stars. They were lightening their way in

order to help them.

The kitten was yawning sleepily and even curled into a ball several times

on a cub’s back, but did his best no to fall asleep. Soon his patience and

persistence were awarded. Just in front of them a forest meadow full of fireflies

came into the view. Small Potapych helped the kitten to get down his back.

- We have already come, - the bear puffed. – Hear you’l find Borovichok.

But be careful, because this whitebeard is sly. And for me it’s time to go home,

because my mother wil begin to worry.

- Thank you, bear, - the kitten said farewell and a splay-footed went back

into the thick and dark forest. Murzik thought ashamedly that his mother-cat is

probably also worrying now about where her kitten went. But he was sure that

mother-cat would necessarily understand him when she knew that he managed

to find Truth.

In the meantime, he was looking around a forest meadow, trying to follow

the fireflies, but every time he lagged behind their direction.

- Good evening, fireflies! – The kitten said and the whole choir of voices

replied to him.

- Good evening, kitten!

- I’m looking for Lesovichok-Borovichok. I really have to help my friend

Vanechka – the kitten explained, sitting down next to a huge mushroom with a

wide brown cap that could easily serve the kitten an umbrella in case of rain.

Luckily, the rain didn’t come. However, the mushroom appeared to be not an

ordinary one. That’s because while the kitten was talking, the mushroom

suddenly opened his eyes and straightened, facing the kitten. It turned out that

wasn’t a mushroom at all, but a short whitebeard with a huge hat.

The fireflies giggled looking at a surprised kitten and flew away in different


Borovichok smiled to the kitten gladly.

- Wel , good evening, Murzkik, - he said with a clap and a bowl with milk

appeared in front the kitten.

- Good evening, Borovichok-Lesovichok. Thank you, - and the kitten

started to lap. After quenching his thirst he thanked a whitebeard one more time

and a bowl disappeared.

- Your story about poor Ivan has already gone around the whole forest, -

an old father addressed to the kitten. – I know that you’re looking for Truth to help

your friend too. It’s amazing! It’s difficult to find such a friend that can go to a dark

forest because of you and is not afraid of danger. – A whitebeard with a huge

brown hat said and looked at the kitten.

Murzik too thought for a minute.

- Vanechka would go to a forest for me as well, - the kitten added finally. –

What’s more, I met very kind and good griends on my way. A chick would stand

up for a duckling, old father Pinestry – for aunt Water, Hedgehog - for Titmouse

and Owl with a bear cub for Squirrel.

Starichok-Borovichok clapped his hands.

- Oh dear! – He felt happy. – Then, my little brave kitten, you need my help


- Indeed, - the kitten nodded and told Borovichok the whole story from the

very beginning. – I don’t even know what it is – Truth? Is it an animal or a human?

Is she beautiful or terrible? And where I can find her?

Borovichok smiled archly dropped on his knees in front him.


There’s no need to look for Truth, - a forest creature answered the

surprised cat. – Everyone has his own Truth.

- But how? And why Vanechka couldn’t find it?

- In the house where Goodness lives, - answered Borovichok, - Honesty

settles down too. She definitely knows where to find Truth.She often asks her

over, treats with sweets, lures and welcomes.

The kitten didn’t understand anything and meanwhile Borovichok


- But if there’s somebody in a house who doesn’t get along with Honesty

well, Truth also stops coming and Goodness moves to another house. Truth is

neither beautiful, nor terrible – she’s of all sorts depending on your point of view, -

an old man said reasonably. – Each Truth has own course. For example, wil you

see the starts if you look at them in the middle of the day?

- No, - the kitten answered but looked with pleasure at stars that seemed

to be winking right from the skies.

- And what if you look at the night?

- Then, I wil , – the kitten answered dreamily looking at the starts again.

- Therefore, you need to learn to wait from day til night to see the stars