Как котенок Правду искал - Крихели Ангелина. Страница 9

interest thoroughly, whatever it was. That’s why once he even put his nose into

the alveary. Of course, the bees sent him off their house, but as they were very

kind they didn’t sting the curious kitten. His friend Vanechka told him, that bees

sip honey and buzz crossly because he kept them from their important work. But

if he didn’t, they wouldn’t be angry, buzz and sting. Now the kitten knew it and

watched them working from the sidelines, nestling on a house’s sil and catching

a few rays of sun.

Though, he stil knew nothing about these little feathery nubbins.

- Good afternoon! – Murzik purred and came a little closer. He was a very

well-bred kitten and always wished good day to everyone he met on his way

saying “Good afternoon!”. That’s what his mother-cat taught him as well as her

mother did and so on.

The Chick got distracted from observing the Duckling and said hello back.

It was interesting for him to meet somebody who didn’t look like him at all.

- Good afternoon! –the Duckling greeted too? while getting out the water

and splashing the drops whenever he stepped.

At al times the kitten remembered that he had an important matter – he

had to rescue his friend, so he needed to find a strange creature called Truth.

«But maybe they know where to find it?» - the kitten thought hopefully.

- My name’s Murzik! I’m the mother’s-cat son. – The kitten introduced

himself by the proprieties. – And what are your names?

- I’m a Chick, - one of the babies gave him a nod. – I’m a hen’s son. Nice

to meet you.

- And my name’s Duckling. My mother is a duck. It’s nice to meet you too.

The kitten was glad to new acquaintances and right there he decided to

become friends. However, at this point he had to do an important task. So he


- Chick, Duckling, can you tell me please, have you seen Truth?

They just looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

- We haven’t ! – they answered in the same breath. They were really

upset, because they couldn’t help their new friend. But suddenly the three heard

a gentle voice that sounded like a melody.

- I haven’t seen Truth either, but they say she’s beautiful… - someone

whispered mysteriously. The kitten, Chick and the Duckling looked around but

there was no one but them. So the kitten lowered his eyes and saw the pond. He

understood that it was Water who talked to him. Kind Water decided to help the

kitten to find Truth. She went on:

- Go, kitten, to the pinewood. Tel the old father Pinery that you’re looking

for Truth. The old man knows a lot, he is to prompt you.

Being happy about it, the kitten thanked everyone for their help and

kindness and hurried to the forest.

Coming close to old tall pines Murzik purred:

- The old father Pinery, I’m looking for Truth for my friend Vanechka. Don’t

you know where to find her? Mother-cat says that people fear her very much,

though Water in a pond thinks she’s beautiful. How can I find her, if I don’t even

know how she looks like?

Pines swayed in greetings and the kitten heard a thick rustling, with the

thousands of pine needles, voice of old Pinery:

- Don’t worry, kitten, Truth is hard to find, but if you have a heart you wil

definitely do it. Go to Titmouse, she knows where to find Truth.

The silence fell again. The kitten thanked the old man and bravely entered

the wood that wrapped him with a pine scent.

Murzik was walking down the path when he ran into a little birdie. She had

a yel ow breast, blue neck and dark blue wings.

- Good afternoon, birdie! – The kitten greeted her loudly.

The birdie leapt back and greeted the kitten cautiously. Then she flew

closer to him

- I’m looking for Titmouse, - he said her trustfully. – Old father Pinestry said

that Titmouse knows where I can find Truth.

The birdie looked at the kitten thoughtfully and then answered:

- I am Titmouse, - she nodded. – As old father Pinestry sent you to me, I’l

help you, except that I don’t know where to find Truth, but there’s someone who

knows her by name.

The kitten looked at a little bright birdie with delight and respect.

- Go deep into the forest. But be careful: different animals may crop up

along the way. When you reach the middle, you’l see a forest mushroom

Lesovichok-Borovichok. The old man by far knows Truth. However, Hedgehog wil

help you to find him.

The kitten nodded and hurried deep into the forest. The trees were

crowding him round, the sun was hiding far behind the tall pines and the kitten

began to fear. He felt tired and wanted to drink some milk badly. Vania’s mother

always poured it into his bowl. The kitten sat on a little stub as suddenly he heard


- Оw!

Murzik was scared, so he jumped back and looked with all eyes at a stub.

Small, hidden under the huge amount of sharp needles eyes were staring at him.

«Hedgehog!» - thought the kitten happily when he remembered, that he

saw the same one in Vitia’s books.

- Good afternoon, uncle Hedgehog! – purred Murzik politely.

Hedgehog smiled back and greeted him too.

- How did you being so small happen to be here? – asked Hedgehog. – It’s

getting dark soon and kids shouldn’t go to the forest so late without their parents.

- My friend Vania got in trouble, - told him the kitten sincerely. – I have to

find Truth to help him. Then his mother won’t be upset. Mommy-cat told me, that

people fear Truth and that’s why they hardly can find her. Though, Water in pond

said Truth is beautiful. I asked the old father Pinestry and he sent me to Titmouse.

And Titmouse – to you.

Hedgehog listened to him carefully, nodded primly and said:

- Squirrel knows more. I just tread the ground and she can even jump from

tree to tree. She knows much better from there. You’ll find Squirrel in a hollow

where she hides her nuts from view and lay them in a store for winter.

- Thank you, uncle Hedgehog! – said the kitten and went on through the

wood without even knowing where to go and where to find Squirrel that knows

where Truth hides.

It seemed to little Murzik that he was walking for so much time whereas it

wasn’t more than one hour. The kitten was looking around frightenedly in a

gradually darkling forest when he heard threatening:

- Who-o-o! Who-o-o!

The kitten bristled, arched his back and started to move back to a tree

when he saw a huge Owl just in front of him.

- G-good evening, uncle Owl! – The kitten said stammering from fright and

began to straighten little by little.

Owl looked at him carefully before greeting. Then he said:

-Why are you strolling alone in the woods so late?

- I’m not strolling, uncle Owl, I’m looking for Truth, - the kitten answered.

- Truth, you say? Wel , to look for Truth is a good, noble thing. – Owl

nodded stately.

- Uncle Hedgehog advised me to address Squirrel.

- It is truly advised. Wait here a minute and don’t go anywhere. I’l be back

right now.

Owl spread his huge wings, flapped and went out of sight reaching into the

sky. The kitten was following him with his eyes trying to trace a big wise bird but

he didn’t see anything but the darkling sky above the crowns of the old pines. He

sat down by a tree and began to wait.

Owl was back shortly – he dived down with a gentle flap, folded his wings

along his strong body and landed steadily. A din of voices was heard from a tree

and by the next moment squirrel kits went down one by one with their mother