Shadow - Dohner Laurann. Страница 56

Shadow’s fists clenched at his side. “That would mean this was planned far in advance. They must have been working on a drug that would harm us.”

“Or they already possessed it but none of our surviving people ever experienced it.”

“There is a Mercile doctor involved in this.”

“That’s what we’re assuming at this point. Douglas Miller may have been waiting for an opportunity. He has the money to support the employees still running from us. I pulled the file on Miller and while we were able to have his accounts frozen in this country, he had vast holdings outside the reach of the US justice department. The bastard even had a human working for him inside the task force headquarters to monitor all movement. Some humans are vindictive. He may have set this into motion as soon as he realized we’d taken back what he held. He finally saw his chance to retrieve…what he wants.”

“Who is Douglas Miller?” Beauty was trying to follow their conversation. “What does he want? Is he one of the owners of Mercile?”

Shadow turned and stepped closer, peering into her eyes. His hand was warm when he gently cupped her cheek on the side that wasn’t bruised. “Douglas Miller is the human who imprisoned you.”

Master. It was an emotional slap but she kept her chin up, resisting curling into a ball to protect herself from the pain washing through her system. Not once had she asked to learn more about the human who’d reared and kept her. Getting beyond what had been done to her seemed more important than focusing on the details of who and why.

The conversation between Shadow and the council member suddenly made horrifying sense. She was glad to be sitting down. Shadow softly growled, his thumb stroking her skin in comfort.

“This isn’t your fault.”

“It is in a way. He is after me. He wants me returned.” She pulled away from his touch to lean to the side enough to see Jaded behind him. “You think this…” she had to pause and swallow down the bile that rose. She couldn’t get his real name past her lips. “Bastard is working with Mercile to hurt Species in revenge for my rescue?”

Jaded hesitated, glancing at Shadow.

Shadow stepped to her side. “Tell her the truth. She deserves that.”

Beauty was grateful for his support and almost reached over to take the hand he’d lowered to his side. She resisted, afraid to look weaker in the eyes of the council member than he surely assumed she was. “Please tell me.”

“Mercile is broke and the employees who fled are too. We cut off their money and seized everything they owned with the help of the president. Douglas Miller had a lot of money in foreign countries that we couldn’t touch. He’s a wanted man who can’t return to the States or any country that would extradite him.” Sympathy softened Jaded’s features. “We know he hired the humans to come after you and we do believe he’s responsible for Moon’s unstable condition.”

Jaded took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. “In no way is this your fault. It’s just tied together. Miller and some of the Mercile doctors must be working together to achieve similar goals. He’s got the money to hide and help them if he wishes. Mercile made a previous attempt against one of our males with a drug they hoped would make him commit murder. It would have backed their stance that we’re dangerous and don’t deserve human rights if Fury had murdered his human mate. It would have been a major victory to sway world opinion that they were justified in using Species as laboratory rats for their experiments.”

Shadow drew her attention. “A human nurse was assigned to Fury after he was shot in an assassination attempt by other humans against his mate. The drug she exposed him to made him aggressive and violent.” He looked at Jaded. “Was it the same drug?”

“Not according to the sniff test. It’s something else that appears far worse than the symptoms Fury suffered. Moon is completely violent and unresponsive to anyone or anything. He’s either in so much pain he is beyond thought or they damaged his mind so extensively that his personality has devolved to basic survival of his animal genetics. That’s what we’re assessing right now but it’s early. There’s always hope the drug will wear off the way it did in Fury’s case. We’ve sent for specialists. They will be arriving within the next few hours.”

Guilt ate at Beauty. “Why couldn’t he have just died?”

Jaded’s green eyes flashed anger. “Moon is my friend. I hate to see him this way but I’m grateful he survived.”

“I meant the bastard. Not your friend.” She suddenly wished she were alone with Shadow. “He got sick and he’s old. That’s what I meant. This would be over if he had died. He wouldn’t be around to come after me or hurt our people.”

She didn’t mention aloud that she wouldn’t be alive either if he had died while she’d been his prisoner. The guards wouldn’t have had anyone to stop them from hurting her any way they wished. They would have destroyed the evidence and burned her body to ash, the way she’d overheard them plotting at times.

“I understand.” Jaded calmed. “Some humans wish to hurt us anyway. They are afraid of us or refuse to accept what we are. Don’t take this personally. If it wasn’t Douglas Miller, it would be someone else.”

He spoke to Shadow next. “I’ll leave now. I wanted you informed of all we know so far. We’ll have more solid facts by the time you reach Homeland to meet with Justice.” Catlike eyes turned to Beauty. “I meant what I said. This isn’t your fault. We’re different and sometimes that’s reason enough to draw hatred from others. You are in no way responsible for Douglas Miller or his actions.”

She was left alone with Shadow. Tears threatened to spill but she fought them back. “I do feel guilty.”

“You shouldn’t.” He brushed his fingertips over her arm, caressing lightly.

“You and Breeze were hurt protecting me. Other Species were hurt. I saw all those men out there in need of medical help.”

“Most of the injured were mercenaries.” He smiled in an attempt at humor.

The effort didn’t work. “Don’t make light of this. Please?” She reached out, his chest warm and firm under her palm. It soothed her, just touching any part of his body. “You seemed to already know his name. How?”

“Douglas Miller?”

She nodded.

“I had to review all the files when I was assigned to the task force. He is a fugitive, one of the many we plan to hunt down and capture. I reviewed the files of humans we’d retrieved Gift Females from after you told me your story. The task force doesn’t put the names of victims in those files but the clues you gave were enough to pinpoint him and the details of the operation that rescued you. That’s how I know what happened with Fury and Ellie as well. They keep the team up to speed on unclosed cases. The human nurse had outside help and we were still tracking down some of her known associates from Mercile.”

“Fury was not permanently damaged by the drug. I see him all the time with Ellie. He’d never hurt her.” It made her feel hope for Moon. “Their love is beautiful.”

Shadow glanced at the clock. “We need to go, love. The helicopter will leave soon.”


“It will be fine.”

She hoped so.

Chapter Nineteen

Beauty’s worst-case scenario happened. She wished a hole would open up under her and make her disappear when they reached the helicopter landing area. The tall task force member she spotted spoke to another one but then Shane turned his head. Recognition flared across his features as he smiled.

No, she silently begged, dropping her gaze. Don’t try to talk to me. Please!

She glanced at the ground, her hands, even her shirt. Shadow had gone to speak to the pilot, leaving her standing alone. Military boots approached until they stopped about four feet away. She knew it was Shane. Her heart did a panicked number inside her chest.