Shadow - Dohner Laurann. Страница 58

Beauty heard the words and pain jabbed at her heart. He’s going back to the task force? Her gaze jerked to Shadow’s face but he was still smiling at his friend. Tell him no, she silently urged. She couldn’t lose him. He’d lived off Homeland when he’d worked with the task force. It would mean she’d never get to see him, or very rarely.

“I promised Wrath I’d spend some time at Homeland.” Shadow shrugged. “He thinks we need to connect with our people. It’s been good getting to know them and living with my kind.”

More pain shot through her heart. He hadn’t mentioned her at all. Did that mean she wasn’t important to him? Her focus dropped to the ground in case he glanced at her. She didn’t want him to see how his words hurt.

“Well, we miss you.” Trey released his hold, stepping back. “We got some new toys that I think you’ll like. I bet you miss the action.”

“It is a slower pace at Homeland.”

Trey laughed. “I heard they put you on patrol in the interior. I bet that gets boring. Species don’t cause too much trouble. They should have you assigned to the gates where the action happens.”

“Fury decided I would appreciate not having to deal with humans after living amongst them.”

“Yeah, we’re annoying bastards, aren’t we?” Trey chuckled and patted Shadow’s shoulder again as Beauty glanced up. “Come back soon. We had some upgrades done to the living quarters. I think you’ll really love the new digs. The bedrooms were enlarged and so were the bathrooms. I want to move in, they look so good. Tim even added in new big-screen TVs and put in fridges next to them so you don’t have to walk to the kitchen to get your soda fix.”

“That sounds nice.”

Too nice, she concluded. Worry nagged at her that their relationship was over before it had really gotten started. They were having sex together. Didn’t that mean something to Shadow? It was a commitment to her but he might not see it that way. It would break her heart if he just walked away.

“Tim felt bad about Lauren having to live in such rough quarters. You know his daughter is mated to a Species.” Trey glanced away and waved to someone. “It’s time to go. Load up and call me tomorrow to tell me when you’re coming back. It can’t be soon enough. Your replacement is kind of driving me nuts. Thank God it’s only temporary. He growls too often, not understanding I’m riding his ass for his own good.”

“Feline? They don’t take orders well.”

“Nope. He’s canine.” Trey walked away.

“Let’s go.” Shadow tugged on her waist.

She willingly went with him, her mind in a tailspin. What would it mean if he went back to work for the task force? The end of them seeing each other? Would he possibly invite her to live with him off Homeland? The concept left her feeling cold inside. There was no way she could live around a bunch of humans and feel safe after the life she’d led. She trusted Species men but could she ever relax around the men Shadow worked with? She highly doubted it. One of them had already betrayed the NSO.

Shadow would leave her alone inside his quarters while he worked. Fear gripped her just considering how anyone on the team would have access to her at the task force headquarters. They could be similar to the guards who’d once tormented her. Shadow would end up killing someone if that happened. He hadn’t even liked Shane touching her arm. He’d really go insane if someone approached her for sex.

There would be no other women around to keep her company. There would be no protective Species to make certain no one bothered her. As much as it sometimes annoyed her, those women were also comforting. She’d lose access to her friends. It wouldn’t just be a short trip to Reservation to stay in a cabin if she lived with Shadow. Her uneasiness increased. There was no way possible that she could leave NSO lands.

The helicopter was loud and a bit scary as Shadow swept her into his arms and settled her inside. Some of the team was already seated but they kept to one side of the interior. Shadow followed her in, had to duck his head, and guided her to a seat. She allowed him to belt her in while he settled down next to her until they were hip to hip, thigh to thigh. One arm hooked around her, drawing her close.

She felt safe within the circle of his hold. Shadow always had a way of settling her fear. They’d need to talk about what he planned to do about the task force. It was impossible to discuss the subject in the helicopter. She’d have to wait until they were alone. Beauty decided it was probably going to be the longest ride of her life. Her eyes closed as she leaned against Shadow, holding on to him, afraid their time together might come to an end soon.

I love Shadow and losing him is going to rip me apart, she admitted, fighting back tears.

Shadow knew something was wrong. Beauty’s fingers dug into his arm through the shirt he’d tugged on after Trey had tossed him a spare. He held her tighter when she turned into him. Flying might terrify her, something he could relate to since he didn’t enjoy it either. He’d had to adjust while working with the task force as flights were part of the job.

His friends on the team seemed threatening suddenly. They wouldn’t harm Beauty. The reasonable part of his mind knew that but his protective instincts were kicking him in the ass. The men were too close and the scent of her fear drove him a little insane. He resisted glaring and snarling at them. A few smiled when he caught their gazes while making sure they didn’t pose any danger to Beauty. He forced his lips to curve but kept them closed, hiding his sharp canines. It wasn’t their fault she was afraid of males.

He hadn’t liked Shane touching Beauty but believed it had been innocent. Of course it had taken him time to control his anger. His teammate was easygoing and spoke well of females. He had a lot of sisters he talked about often. Shadow had viewed hundreds of photos of them—the male was proud of his family. Shane wasn’t a threat to Beauty.

He inhaled, the sweetness of her fear a little diluted. Trey caught his attention, a reminder that he was expected to return to the task force. That would mean leaving the female he held. They hadn’t known each other long but he couldn’t imagine just walking away. They’d agreed to share sex and she only wanted him but he wasn’t certain how long she wanted him around. He’d hate to lose his position with the task force if she planned to tell him to get lost soon. He was feeling deep emotions where she was concerned and they were only growing stronger. They needed to talk.

First though, he’d have to meet with Justice and the other Species males. Douglas Miller still posed a threat to Beauty. It wasn’t acceptable, having him out there plotting more attempts to harm Species while the son of a bitch tried to recapture Beauty.

She’d be safest inside the women’s dorm while he attended those meetings. It was situated almost in the center of Homeland and they’d corrected flaws in the building design after a previous attack. He’d demand a team of females be assigned to guard her around the clock too.

As much as he didn’t want to leave Beauty, he needed to. He wanted a say in what was going to happen to keep her safe. He could be of more use working with the task force to eliminate the threat than holding Beauty’s hand. He’d even have to sideline his plans to go after the member of the team who’d given the mercenaries his location to help them get to the Gift. The male would die for his betrayal and for putting Beauty at risk of being returned to her abuser.

They’d have to work out their relationship after the danger passed. He only hoped she’d want him to be part of her life. Giving her up would be nearly impossible. Everything inside him ached in a bad way at the prospect of saying goodbye. Their time together had been short so far but he hoped to change that into something permanent.