Shadow - Dohner Laurann. Страница 59

Mate. That one word did odd things to his heart. It beat erratically and he realized how much he wanted her to always be his. They’d sleep together every night and he’d wake to her in his arms. No uncertainty was present as he searched his feelings. He wanted that, with her. They would grow closer and he’d experience the happiness Wrath had discovered with Lauren.

Beauty snuggled tighter against his chest and he adjusted his body to make her more comfortable. She felt right in his arms and perfectly fit there. It was where she belonged. He smiled, his gaze studying the males again for any sign of threat.

Trey winked, smiling but Shadow recognized the longing reflected in the male’s eyes. He’d felt it himself when he’d watched Wrath with Lauren. It was the heartfelt desire to have a deep bond with a female. Wrath had been lucky to find that and now Shadow had Beauty. He wasn’t going to push her away ever again because of fear caused by the damage he’d once suffered. He wouldn’t allow his past to ruin his chance at having a future.

He would have to speak to Slade, Fury and Justice about living arrangements if Beauty agreed to be his mate. They couldn’t very well live in the dorms. They’d need their own space. Perhaps they could be assigned to a house next to Wrath and Lauren. He really liked that idea. It would give Beauty a female friend nearby and it would be more secure if both he and his best friend were in close proximity to guard each other’s mates.

The concept took hold as the miles passed. Lauren and Beauty were both soft natured and should get along well. He stroked his hand down Beauty’s back absently, enjoying the freedom of touching her. He couldn’t get enough of how wonderful it felt to have her so close. He just wished they were alone. A kiss would be better…or freeing her of her clothes. The need to inspect every inch of her body was deep rooted, just to make certain she wasn’t harmed. He would love to kiss every bruise or scratch he discovered then make love to her.

His dick filled with blood and he shifted his ass on the bench seat to close his legs, keeping his erection trapped down. The sweats were lousy for that and he wore no underwear. Regret came for not taking the time to shower and change into other clothing while they’d been at Medical.

He’d hunt down Douglas Miller quickly and efficiently to take out the threat to Beauty. There was no other option. As long as the male remained alive and free, he would use his vast resources to keep sending mercenaries after her and paying Mercile doctors to recreate drugs to hurt their people.

It would also feel good to destroy the male who’d harmed his Beauty. He growled low in his throat, unable to hold back the anger. Beauty must have felt the vibration it caused inside his chest because her head rose and her beautiful brown eyes peered up at him questioningly.

He smiled, assuring her he was fine. He stroked down her spine and arched his back a little to indicate she should rest while the flight was in progress. They couldn’t talk. It was too loud without headsets. The entire team would hear each word if they spoke through those.

She got his silent message and relaxed against him. Shadow closed his eyes, content to just hold her while he made plans. Once he made sure Beauty was safe, he could ask her to be his mate. If she said no, he’d just have to convince her. He wasn’t above using seduction. All those damn videos he’d been forced to watch while his semen was stolen had taught him a thing or two about what females enjoyed.

One way or another, he’d convince Beauty to stay with him forever.

Chapter Twenty

Beauty watched Shadow with a sense of fear and dread as he leaned down and brushed a kiss on her forehead. He was leaving her at the dorm to go to a meeting. While he didn’t seem happy, he wasn’t expressing a lot of regret either.

“You’ll be safe here. You’re home.”

She wanted him to stay but kept silent.

“The females are going to guard you.”

“I’m safe at Homeland.” She wasn’t sure why two women had dragged chairs out of their apartments to sit in the hallway to watch her door.

“You are.” He straightened. “I’ll just feel better knowing they are there.”

“The security is tight. No one can get inside the dorms. There are locks, the windows are bulletproof and no one can smash their way inside. There are even cameras. Officers would be all over anyone unauthorized if they even approached the building.”

He hesitated. “Some of the females have male visitors.”

“They couldn’t get inside unless someone walked them through the doors. Do you think any of the Species men are a danger to me?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Is there something I don’t know?”


They watched each other. Beauty suddenly touched him, her fingertips resting on his biceps. She stepped closer, having to raise her chin. He was really tall, something she tended to forget when they were seated, especially when she was on his lap and it made them about the same height.

“Shadow, you’re being overprotective. I understand. You almost died protecting me earlier. I appreciate that but I’m in no danger. This is my home.”

He lowered his head to bring them closer and his hands encased her hips. “Humor me.”

The tension dissipated as she smiled, amused. “There are a lot of things I’d do for you.” It was fun to tease him. “Or to you. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

She grew a little brazen, her gaze slowly raking down his body to the front of his sweatpants. There was no missing how he physically reacted to her attention when the outline of his cock became noticeable, growing thicker and larger. He wanted her as much as she did him.

A soft growl made her glance up. Shadow’s eyes had gone sexy, that passionate look in them something she identified immediately. His hold on her tightened and he lowered his face more.

“You’re purposely being troublesome.”

“I don’t want you to go.” It might seem needy to admit it but it was the truth.

“Keep looking at me there and I won’t go.” He suddenly released her though and stepped back enough to break the physical contact. “I have to go. They are waiting for me.”

“Justice and the others?”

“Yes. I’ve yet to give a report. I need to do this.”

“May I go with you? They might have questions for me.”

She’d do anything to avoid being left behind, worried he wouldn’t return. Attending a meeting full of men didn’t sound fun but at least he’d be at her side. She had a bad feeling the term “out of sight, out of mind” might apply to her when it came to Shadow.

He suddenly lowered to his knees. “Come here.” His arms opened wide.

She quickly closed the distance. She liked it when he hugged her tightly and she wrapped her arms around him, burying her face against his neck. He was so big and so Shadow.

“What is really wrong? Tell me.”

She hesitated. Men didn’t like clingy women. Every book she’d read had taught her that and it was exactly how she felt. She didn’t want him to leave, was afraid it would end what they’d begun, and she didn’t want to return to her solitary life.

“Beauty?” He squeezed her tighter, not exactly a warning but the message was clear. He wouldn’t release her until he had answers.

“I don’t want to lose you,” she blurted.

One of his hands slid from her waist to her ass, to grip one cheek. He squeezed. “Is that why you are purposely delaying me?”

She loved his hand on her butt, so close to other places she wanted him touching her. “Yes. Everything is so new. What if you don’t come back?”

He held her and buried his face against her neck, nuzzling her with his nose. He inhaled her scent, his chest vibrating against hers when he softly rumbled a sexy sound. “You couldn’t keep me out of your bed if you tried, love. I’m on my knees for you. Do you think just anyone could drop me to them?”