Shadow - Dohner Laurann. Страница 57

“Beauty? Wow! You look fantastic. Well, except for the bruise on your face.”

She had to look up but dreaded it. The lump inside her throat felt large but she had to speak. Otherwise he’d probably pity her after the trauma she’d suffered. It was important to show him that she wasn’t the terrified, frail woman he’d helped save. Her gaze lifted to stare up at a face she’d wished to never see again.

“Hello, Shane.”

“You remembered my name?” Color flushed his cheeks. “That means a lot to me. We always hope it’s a two-way street but it’s so traumatic when we go in. We kind of figure we’re just a blur of memory.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You know, every Species we free is a triumph to us. Giving someone their life back makes this job worth all the bad stuff we deal with. We remember every one but we aren’t sure if the ones rescued remember us.”

She wished she could forget at least one part of that awful night. “It’s something we always remember too.”

His gaze swept up and down her body. “You really look good.” He blushed more. “I don’t mean that the way it sounds. I just meant you’re healthy now. You’ve put on some weight. Not that I’m saying you’re fat or anything.” He rushed his words. “Dang. My sisters would kick my butt. I’m putting my foot in my mouth. I’m just saying you look good and healthy. Perfect. Yeah. Okay, I’m done. Taking foot out of mouth.”

She almost laughed. He seemed more nervous than she was and it made her relax a little. A smile played at her lips. “I didn’t take offense. I knew what you meant. It’s amazing what some food and baths will do to make someone look better.”

“Yeah. You were so thin.” He grew serious. “You doing good? I mean, besides what happened here? We all know about the mercenaries coming in to grab you. Are you happy at the NSO and are they taking good care of you?”

“I am and they are.” She swallowed. “Um, there’s something I need to say.”

He shifted his stance. “Sure. Okay.”

It took a few seconds to work up the courage but she did it. “I’m really sorry for, um, you know…” She tried to say it but failed to get all the words out. “For what I did or tried to do the night…” I made a fool of myself when I almost begged you to have sex with me, thinking you’d be a better master and protect me from my old one.

He blushed again and glanced down before meeting her gaze. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You have nothing to be sorry about.” Understanding shone in his gaze though. “Nothing at all. I don’t even know what you’re referring to.”

Tears threatened to spill. He was being so nice to her. She blinked rapidly. Maybe apologizing to him would stop the nightmares. At the very least she could earn her dignity back. “I didn’t know any better but I do now. Thank you for what you did that night and for protecting me from my own ignorance. You could have taken advantage but you didn’t.”

His hand rose and he slowly touched her arm, carefully watching her first to make sure she didn’t flinch away. Warm fingers gently squeezed her upper arm. “Hey, no worries. It was an honest mistake after all you’d been through and you have nothing to apologize for.” He nodded. “Ever. Okay? I’m just glad we got you out of there and I’m sorry I stuck you with a needle. I felt bad about that.”

“You had no choice. I freaked out. It was the right thing to do.”


“Get your hand off her,” Shadow snarled.

Beauty spun and was barely able to jump into his path as he attempted to lunge at Shane. She feared he’d just plow her over in his haste to attack the other man. His face twisted in a mask of rage. If the scary tone of his voice wasn’t clue enough of his intent, the fangs he revealed in threat were.


“He was touching you.” Shadow didn’t even glance at her, instead he continued to glare at the task force member. “You don’t do that,” he warned, no longer speaking to her. “I’ll rip your hand off and feed it to you.”

Beauty gently pushed at his broad chest, attempting to get him to step back. “Shadow! Stop it!”

He looked down then. “He isn’t allowed to touch you. He was!”

“This is the man who protected me from the sniper bullets the night I was freed.”

Shadow’s head snapped up and he snarled, trying to reach his target again. Beauty got dragged and might have fallen over if she hadn’t been gripping him so tightly. He stopped trying to walk forward when he couldn’t get free without hurting her. She knew Shadow remembered her shameful story about what she’d done to Shane that night. The angry Species seemed intent on beating Shane.

“Shadow!” She used her sternest voice.

“What?” he snarled, his eyes narrowing on her.

“Calm down.” Her tone softened. “We were talking until you rudely interrupted. I was apologizing for mistaking his intentions and he was graciously not allowing me to take any blame. He was just comforting me. It wasn’t how you think.”

Shadow blinked and some of the anger faded. “He shouldn’t touch you.”

Her hands loosened their death grip on him. “There was nothing inappropriate about it.”

He studied her carefully. “Fine. The helicopter is preparing for takeoff.” A warning glare was directed at Shane. “I will be right there.” He paused. “Watching you not touch her again.” His hands lifted to grip her wrists, his touch gentle as he tugged them free.

She let him go and he spun away, walked about ten feet and turned. Arms crossed across his massive chest as he glared at Shane. He was seriously going to watch them. She hesitated before turning. Shane had paled considerably over the confrontation and had retreated enough to put a lot of space between them.

“He’s protective.” She kept her voice low. “Thank you.”

“No problem. Maybe I should take the next flight.” He took another step back, darting a nervous look at Shadow. “I was going to ride back to Homeland on the helicopter with my unit but a drive sounds nice. I’m sure there’s a rental car place in town.”

“It’s fine. You shouldn’t have to go to that trouble.” She glanced back to find Shadow still regarding them angrily. “Stop it. Tell him he can share the helicopter.”

He hesitated but then shrugged. “Fine. You sit on the other side, not near her.”

“You got it, Shadow.” Shane rushed past. “Nice seeing you again, Beauty.”

Beauty watched the task force member scurry away, giving a wide berth to the angry Species. She wasn’t sure if she should be irritated or flattered that Shadow was so protective. It had distracted her from her embarrassment with Shane. Shadow uncrossed his arms, approaching her.

“Let’s go. I put our bags in the helicopter. Officers retrieved them from the cabin. They are ready to leave.”

“Are you okay?”

He blinked.

“Shadow? It was innocent.”

“I don’t like anyone touching you.”

He was a man. Male, she corrected. Species weren’t exactly typical of regular men. Breeze had warned her Species could be possessive. She was beginning to understand that now. Shadow really would have attacked Shane if she hadn’t gotten in his way.

“I understand. I’ll try to remember that if there’s a next time. It’s not as though too many men are around me.”

Another task force member joined them. Beauty recognized him and smiled. Trey Roberts grinned as he clasped Shadow’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’re still alive, buddy. I heard you did some serious ass kicking. I bet you don’t hate me now nearly as much for all that gun-range practice I put you through.”

Shadow’s attitude changed as he grinned. “No. I still resent the hours you yelled at me but I know I needed it.” He reached out, hooked a hand around Beauty’s waist and pulled her into a protective position against his side. “This is Beauty.”

Trey glanced between them. “We’ve met. It’s nice to see you again, Beauty.” He put his hands on his hips. “I was there when she was rescued. Are you ready to come back yet, Shadow? The team misses you. I know you said you’d be back by the end of next week but we sure could use you now.”